[sub]Posting this for you all to see, but will be revise Grammer and typos in the morning[/sub] [hider=Dream Catcher][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UnTCbEi.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/roJpEfX.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GPmFIDE.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/y6l2fYK.jpg[/img][/center][center][color=Darkcyan][h3][i]“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”[/i][/h3][/color] [color=gray][b][i]– Vince Lombardi[/i][/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/V60bxHd.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gmFbJ1m.gif[/img] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/cd2746d7b3bdf1f3b48828ebfc7d243b/tumblr_inline_nob9vcpyob1snxgfy_500.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YLPH8SK.gif[/img][/center] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | [indent]Eliana Illuria Lovelace[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | [indent]Ellie[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | [indent]02/14/1998 [sub]Pisces[/sub][/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Age[/b][/color] | [indent]18[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Classification[/b][/color] | [indent]Freshmen[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Gender[/b][/color] | [indent]Female[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Alias[/b][/color] | [indent]Dream Catcher [sub](or Night Terror when she loses control)[/sub] [indent][hider=Full Form][i]Her alias is still Dream Catcher but when she allows her powers to envelop her, this transformation is called the White Maiden Transfiguration.[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mZXmMUh.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent][/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Role[/b][/color] | [indent]Hero [sub](But she does have a 'dark' side)[/sub][/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Loyalty[/b][/color] | [indent]Mayweather[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5s33xu8kk1ry96pwo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QkJDKBm.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/j2R4bZH.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/S0mymnd.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/O8BESHF.gif[/img][/center] | [color=Darkcyan][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | [indent]With alluring, chartreuse green eyes, and dark brown hair, Eliana stands at 5'3 inches and is raised to be a flawless, young role model to the world. A lady through and through, she comes off as confident, yet restless. With a slim built, she weighs around 120 lbs and carries herself with the out most dignity. Both her parents come from British decent and are well-known superheroes in a few countries, especially in England and America. Her family harnesses powers in the "Mind Manipulation" department, which have been passed down through generations. There is a stereotype that those who have the ability to control or fool the mind are destined for evil, but her family has proven the world wrong by using their powers for good. When Ellie is not trying to be presentable and an inspiration to super children around the world, she is actually exuberant, full of life, and adorably playful. Occasionally, her stress can be seen in her face and an underlining tiredness in her stare. With such high expectations for herself, people are surprised Ellie hasn't cracked yet. Without control, her powers could make a person go mad or worse: dead. If it weren't for her father always watching over her, who knows who could have been hurt by her. When she is studying or practicing her 'art', her appearance becomes rather disheveled in a matter of seconds - since she has a tendency to mess with her hair in frustration when she's trying to advance her abilities. Her make up is usually rather light, or none at all, and her style is on the conservative side. It is not that she disagrees with showing skin, she prefers clothing that are defined as 'sophisticated' and 'refined'. Perhaps, it was because of her upbringing. She never did question her interest in sweaters, blouses, knee-length skirts, or comfortable jeans. She does have attire (like cute hats and party dresses) that shows her more 'fun' side, but she only wears that type of style when she's going out to enjoy herself and not worrying about her academics (which isn't too often). [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/73662434/large.jpg[/img][/center] [/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://media.giphy.com/media/trUx36oUMxR96/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VBCQfVa.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QkijUUi.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FgwfCMB.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/f75ac2e7c152a5c2fed16c561dadfb87/tumblr_mlazsmbr311qbjvfco6_250.gif[/img][/center] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | [indent][color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Zones in when she reads - ignoring people around her unless they deliberately grab her attention (like gives her a nudge). [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Messes her hair up when she's extremely stressed and absentmindedly plays with it when she's in a long interaction with others. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Orderly - For example, she likes her room a certain way, hates when something goes astray.[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | [indent][color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Studying & Practicing [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Gardening & Nature Walks. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Keeping up with Current Events/News especially in her local area. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Cello and every so often, chess.[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Likes & Dislikes[/b][/color] | [indent][color=Goldenrod]❤[/color] Reading, knowledge, and libraries. [color=goldenrod]❤[/color] Gardens, flowers, and picnics. [color=goldenrod]❤[/color] Observatories and stargazing. [color=goldenrod]❤[/color] Happiness in dreams and getting to experience things she never had in someone's subconscious. [color=goldenrod]❤[/color] Breakfast. Coffee, pastries, pancakes, fruit, waffles, even cereal (Coco pops to be exact). [color=goldenrod]❤[/color] Days she can relax (Since they're little and far in between). [color=goldenrod]❤[/color] Listening to her father's piano music before she goes to sleep (she has it recorded). She also keeps milk at her bedside and a night light that makes the ceiling like a starry night. [color=goldenrod]❤[/color] Playing the cello, especially in company with her father's piano. [color=goldenrod]❤[/color] Love/hate relationship with the Control/Test Room of Mayweather. She loves harnessing her abilities but hates that her mother is usually the one watching over her. [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] Social events with too many people. Socializing is tiring. [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] Individuals that ruin books (vandalism and such). [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] People's nightmares and unable to ease their pain (unless she mentally switches into Night Terror then you'll see a different side to Ellie). [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] Littering and pollution. [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] Being interrupted while she's studying and in the Control Room [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] Being told what to do by anyone else that isn't her parents. [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] Her little sister getting into deep trouble that Ellie has to clean up after. [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] Not having time to herself. [color=cornflowerblue]💔[/color] Slobs or at least the fact that they don't know how to clean up after themselves.[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [indent][color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Complete and utter darkness. She doesn't mind night because of the stars and lamp posts, but if she's walking alone, she does let her paranoia get the best of her. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] "Snapping" or blacking out and letting her dark nature engulf her good heart (ultimately losing herself).[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | [i]The Good[/i] [indent][color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Diligent, efficient, and focused. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Aspiring, goal-orientated, and passionate. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Elegant, clever, and polite (for the most part, unless you get her angry). [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Inventive, challenging, and engaging (that is, when you get her attention).[/indent] [i]The Bad[/i] [indent][color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Perfectionist (quite methodical and meticulous in her ways). [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Worrywart (the reason why she doesn't get close to many people is because she doesn't want to lose sleep over them). [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Workaholic (you literally have to force her to have a good time). [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Wishful thinker (going into people's dreams could make her hope for a better tomorrow). [/indent] [i]The Ugly[/i] [indent][color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Self conscious, doubtful, and temperamental. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Fearful, closed off, and critical. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Mental breakdowns and lets everything boil up on the inside until she explodes. [color=Darkcyan]⚪[/color] Constantly battling her thoughts.[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Personality[/b][/color] | [indent]Mastering her powers is one of her more prominent features because she would rather spend more time in the test room of Mayweather University than enjoy her young life. Students can't help but feel inferior to her even when she doesn't mean to come off as "intimidating". Her face is well known at the college even if this is her first year attending it. Primarily because her mother is one of the... strictest, border-line terrifying, teachers at Mayweather, while her father is extremely loved and travels the world for business. Without a doubt she is a hard worker and only wants to excel at everything she puts her mind into. With such ambitions, her mind tends to be preoccupied with many, many things. Aside from the polished exterior, Ellie can be quite friendly and a loving person to have in your life (well, once you peak her interest and break her trust wall). When you first look at her, one sees an intellectual, who for the most keeps to herself, unless told otherwise. When you get to know her, there is a child-like dreamer in her and someone who battles internally with herself, constantly. All her life she has been told that if she doesn't take control of her emotions and powers, a darkness beyond comprehension will take over her and that -- is what she fears the most. A good label that can define Eliana and her abilities is: a walking glass canyon. Regardless if she's fighting or not, she has hellfire residing in her that could deal quite a bit of damage. What's the use of your body if your brain cannot function? The mere fact that she can destroy your brain by overwhelming it, torturing it, or shutting it down, is quite a dangerous skill to have. Luckily, she isn't evil or she may very well make those around her mindless. Taking her powers out of the equation, even Ellie just as herself is rather fragile and sensitive to the world around her. She may be strong on the inside and great at protecting her heart with words but that doesn't mean she'll be able to defend herself from others in everyday encounters. A fragile thing she is and all she wants to do is prevent herself from shattering.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3oq40eTYx1rqu5fao2_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/h3gYRMc.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/A6THfmW.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DBjbdtY.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6z2h9XR.gif[/img][/center] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [indent] When she is in her full form, looking into her eyes can completely stun you. You'll still be conscious of your surroundings but have little to no control of your body (this allows her to enter your subconscious and test your mind - it's up to you to battle her on the inside). Rarely does Ellie allow her powers to transform her into the "White Maiden", but if she allows her emotions to get the best of her, she may let her inner phantom out.[/indent] [color=Darkcyan]Dream/Nightmare Manipulation[/color] - Advanced [indent]Includes: [list] [*] [i]Sleep Inducement[/i] - Medium (Easy to the willing) [sub][color=fdc68a]With a graceful motion of her hand, directing it toward certain organisms in your head, she can help you sleep temporarily (she cannot however put herself to sleep). Ellie will not put you to sleep unless she must (or you ask). Being offered a certain amount of time to travel your mind and retrieve something that you want is also why she uses this power - this is a form of hypnosis that her mother has taught her.[/color][/sub][/list] [list] [*] [i]Dream Recall[/i] - Medium [sub][color=fdc68a]She can assist people on remembering their dream by making her eyes go completely white and meeting with theirs for a moment. If she wanted to, she could overload someone's mind, forcing them to remember every dream they have ever had in great detail causing the person to have a breakdown or go catatonic - but she hasn't done that to anyone (that she remembers).[/color][/sub][/list] [list] [*] [i]Dream/Nightmare Absorption[/i] - Medium [sub][color=fdc68a][color=fdc68a]She can steal your dreams by holding your hands and locking eyes with you (unless she is in her full form - then she can go about it by kissing you). If she is simply sharing them or copying them for others to see, there are no side affects. If she is completely removing them, you may suffer from insomnia, be uninspired, or go completely mad depending on the importance of the dream. Ellie can store your dreams in an item that you deem as 'important' like a locket. This is for people who never want to forget their dreams. Usually, the dream can be seen once you touch the item every so often. No, you can't keep touching the locket and expect a playback of your dream. It'll appear when you need to see it not when you want to see it.[/color][/color][/sub][/list] [list] [*] [i]Dream Walking[/i] - Hard [sub][color=fdc68a]Once she is guaranteed you're asleep, her spirit can enter your mind. This will leave her body completely vulnerable since she will too be in a deep slumber. When she enters someone's mind, she is laying down and floating in the air. Her eyes are open, revealing her white sclera and white pupil but she is not mentally there. Her spirit searches in the area for her target and then she slips into the person's mind. Once she is in someone's mind, she becomes part of the dream and can see what the target sees, possibly making changes if she deems fit. The risk about entering people's dreams/nightmares is she can get lost in their fantasies and end up trapped, potentially forever. This is why she tries to not dig in anyone's mind for more than five minutes. This power is a good way to relay hidden or obvious messages, she could even have a conversation with the target if she reveals herself. Ellie has yet to discover how to escape if she were to go too far into a person's mind. Higher risk if she enters the mind of someone she loves (because then she may never want to leave and completely forget that she's in a fantasy). Most likely, someone will have to break the vulnerable Ellie body out of her trance state (How you ask? She doesn't know and neither does her parents).[/color][/sub][/list] [list] [*] [i]Daydream trapping[/i] - Hard [sub][color=fdc68a]She can detach her target from their immediate surroundings, blurring and partially substituting reality by a visionary fantasy or making them see things that are not there. Usually, she does this without the other person knowing and making small skin contact or allowing them to take in her aromatic scent.[/color][/sub][/list] [/indent] [color=darkcyan]Illusion Manipulation[/color] - Minor but still hard to use depending on the Illusion [indent][list][*] [i]Hallucinogen & Layered Illusions[/i] - Hard [sub][color=fdc68a]Similar to 'Daydream trapping', she can make someone (or a group of people) see things that aren't actually there. She can bring you to a altered reality, may it be your actual reality yet you see different things (as if your eyes are masked while everyone else's isn't), or trapping you in layered illusions within your own mind, causing your body to be paralyzed as you try to find the "exit". Kissing someone makes it easier to penetrate them mentally, however, Ellie prefers to rely on her aroma, using it as a means to enter your nostrils and into your mind. Her actions are subtle and for some people, her scent may not be enough to access their subconscious. That is when she must make physical contact - kissing being the most efficient way to achieve what she wants (but the option she chooses last).[/color][/sub][/list][/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | [indent]The stronger the mind, the harder to enter. None of Eliana's powers are "easy" to do, the mere fact that a lot of her abilities require her to first enter someone's mind (willing or not), then create, manipulate, or shift their very reality tests her extremely. The stress level for her abilities is ridiculous compared to others. It's not a walk in the park entering other people's worlds - her powers are trespassing, yet she wants to do good. Ellie knows that making physical contact with people (especially through a romantic gesture) would make her life easier, or even turning into her full form - which has eyes as powerful as Medusa's. Yet, she doesn't want to get too close to others (touching people isn't something she does normally), nor does she want her powers to create a nightmarish monster. To be honest, she's afraid of her full form because when she is the "White Maiden" she's stuck in a half-conscious state and part of her feels like her emotions can make her do terrible things if she doesn't grab a hold of herself fast. Her body is more often than not vulnerable. Ellie is someone meant to be in the back lines or lurking in the shadows. Once she is concentrated on a target and mentally kept busy, her body is exposed and open to attack. She isn't meant to fight alone unless she is in her full form, but even then that's rather difficult. Only her full form will allow her to put individuals through paralysis rather instantaneously if they look into her eyes, which will give her a chance to attack them in the way she was made to do so: inside their head. Her eyes are one of her strongest means of using her abilities since they are the one thing that she can transform, without going full on White Maiden.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/cd6cc9189afaa71d74cd6f3c12d9a9cf/tumblr_mmstklFspx1qznfkso1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/I244UVS.png[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m69k0jd5z41rq84g0o2_r1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/y9a39yh.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/POXgGAL.gif[/img][/center] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | [indent]Bristol, England[/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Family[/b][/color] | [sub]Click name to see picture[/sub] [indent][url=https://33.media.tumblr.com/b6df2c2d4e14ddcd40e623c4c477e02b/tumblr_ncjdqiky9M1s80vieo1_500.gif][color=8493ca]Cecilia Rosemary Lovelace[/color][/url] - 43 - Disciplinary & Defense Instructor / Control Room Supervisor at Mayweather [indent][color=Darkcyan]Alias:[/color] Morning Muse (or the Enchantress) [color=Darkcyan]Powers:[/color] Emotion Transformation, Enchanted Allure, Aura Reading, Emphatic Teleportation, Hypnosis[/indent][/indent] [indent][url=http://data1.whicdn.com/images/30381754/large.gif][color=8dc73f]Lucas Benedict Lovelace[/color][/url] - 47 - President/CEO of Millennium Worldwide Holdings, Inc. [indent]Millennium Hotels Corporation is a British global hospitality company that manages and franchises a broad portfolio of hotels and resorts. [color=Darkcyan]Alias:[/color] Guardian (or Mental Tormentor) [color=Darkcyan]Powers:[/color] Psychic Navigation, Memory Project, Memory Erasure, Memory Restoration, Mental Healing, Memory Vessel, Memory Implantation, Truth Inducement, Teleportation, Astral Projection[/indent][/indent] [indent][url=http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbagty5gsS1rpb2f6.gif][color=f6989d]Jenna Isabel Lovelace[/color][/url] - 16 - Highschool student [indent][color=Darkcyan]Alias:[/color] Reverie [color=Darkcyan]Powers:[/color] Undiscovered.[/indent][/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]History[/b][/color] | [indent][sub]Successful parents. Individuals who were able to prove the world wrong by using their questionable abilities for good. Mother was a small town girl, father always knew the wealthy side of things, being the heir to his family's hotel corporation, Millennium. Hopefully, his first daughter will take over the company - but if not, there's always his youngest. Cecilia Barnett and Lucas Lovelace (four years apart) both attended Mayweather, although the school was highly tempted to put them in Delphina (even giving them secret second aliases to display their darker natures on file). Both students were rather aggressive in getting into the heroic academy during their year, not wanting to be labeled as evil doers. Their life wasn't all rainbows and butterflies and perhaps they did do a couple of not so good deeds, but that didn't make them overall villainous. There they were feared, but respected, more so Cecilia than Lucas since the way she carried herself was rather dominant and a tad bit unsettling while Lucas was all around loved and still very much is. The timid, yet assertive, man took notice of the confident freshman (he being her senior) and even took it upon himself to woo her. Loving a woman with trust issues beyond him was not an easy thing, but during his last year, he was able to ease her tension and help her enjoy herself for once. When he graduated, it didn't take him long before his heroic reputation took flight (even gaining a nemesis). Once Cecilia graduated, she sought him out and offered for them to partner up (eventually falling in love with each other). Cecilia's abilities had everything to do with her emotions, while Lucas' powers were focused on the mind and the memories that everyone held dear. It was only natural that they had a daughter that was a good combination of the two. A product of dreams, who could ease others to sleep and allow them to live out their fantasies or cause them to go mad by stringing their nightmares like a puppeteer. [i]Focus and practice was key for the young girl.[/i] For the most part, Eliana was a happy baby up until it became night. Once darkness came to play, the child would cry her eyes out, letting her paranoia get the best of her. It didn't help that the child was haunted with the worst nightmares, as if other people's experiences were entering her small brain and making her fearful of sleep. What the child didn't know was while she slept her spirit would enter the minds of the people of her town. She was able to get personal with individuals before she even met them, which terrified the little girl. One day, in grade school, Ellie was bullied tremendously for being 'no fun' and a 'nerd'. All she remembers is having a mental breakdown and a bunch of the girls surrounding her screaming and their faces going ghastly pale. Those girls transferred out near immediately (rumor has it that they spent their nights crying, unable to sleep, afraid to witness 'what they saw' ever again). Cecilia received a notice while her husband was in England. She took it upon herself to teach her daughter how to subdue her emotions, which will ultimately give her control over her abilities. To add to Eliana's fears, in middle school, a similar situation happened again but this time with a single boy, who called Ellie a 'prude' and a 'know-it-all'. He stole the girl's first kiss, after cornering her in the hallway. Who would have known a kiss would have caused him to go unconscious? Ellie doesn't remember what she was thinking at the time... all she knew was he made her frightened and her fears took a hold of her. This second incident infuriated Cecilia and she even got Lucas involved. Lucas spent the next years watching over his daughter and seeing what were her triggers - feeling alone - and what soothed her - his music and the cello. Another aid was books, which helped his daughter build her own world and keep her mind busy. While all this was happening, the late bloomer and little sister, Jenna rebelled to get noticed and grew disdain for her sister for having powers and being the family favorite. Cecilia decided to have Ellie come to Mayweather after her classes (in highschool) so that they could have private sessions in the Control room. This started Sophomore year. Eliana became known at Mayweather even though she was not a student yet. With her parents' help, the blossoming teenager felt like she was getting better at harnessing her inner self. However, a third incident happened Senior year, when Jenna slipped out of the house, went to a house party, got roofied, and almost experienced something that would have traumatized her forever. If it wasn't for Ellie searching for her rather nervously, who knows what would have happened to her baby sister? The person who would have taken advantage of Jenna attended Delphina (perhaps, Ellie may have a small grudge or fear against the bad apples that school harbors). Let's just say that person was trapped in a maze of illusions and spent his entire night laying in a stranger's bed, naked and stuck in his head, while Ellie brought her sister home safely. To this day, she doesn't know what happened to the kid - maybe he died in a fire? Neither she or Jenna speak of that incident. Now it's 2016 and her first year at Mayweather. Finally, Eliana can be her mother and father's legacies, while hoping to god she doesn't have anymore wild incidents that may make her mother send her away to professionals.[/sub][/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]House & Lair[/b][/color] | [indent][hider=Humble Abode][img]http://cdn.houseplans.com/product/7qnrj7qaugbeqhvipdelvbds9m/w800x533.jpg?v=9[/img][/hider] [i]Ellie's parents have quicker means on getting to their "lair" but if Ellie and her little sister want to go, they have to get to their hidden portal in their tree house first. That would lead them to their underwater headquarters.[/i] [hider= Family Tree House][img]http://hhomedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Designer-Treehouses.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Lovelace Headquarters][img]https://05dimensions.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/cancun-render-8-small.jpg?w=800[/img][/hider][/indent] | [color=Darkcyan][b]Extra[/b][/color] | [indent]The Joker & Harley Quinn (overall, the Batman Universe)[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/12c89412da4b46a97b85ed411c8f0934/tumblr_mvxkamiPir1sgl0ajo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [/hider]