(Aria done screwed up. I put the wrong name on the wrong character. Winter was supposed to be the character Larazos of Saindri. I apologize, I have way, way too many novel characters in my head and I just assigned the wrong name to the wrong archetype. I think I fixed it now.) Also these are characters four and five from me. I think I’m done now. [hider=Prince Caerlight] [i][color=b2ff82]“But, my princess, it is not the queen who wears the crown, but her king!”[/color][/i] [color=b2ff82][b]Name:[/b][/color] “Prince” (how he introduces himself to everyone) Lucas Caerlight. (Formerly Zakyr of Tulbraiss.) Most everyone calls him Prince, except for Miry, who still has her pride and insists on calling him Lucas. [color=b2ff82][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=b2ff82][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] One would be forgiven for not giving Prince a second look. He stands only 5 feet, 1 inch tall, and is rather unimpressively built. Sickness as a child has rendered him scrawny, and easily taken ill. His hair is dull black, messily cut, and his eyes a very dark brown and rather dull. His skin is a peculiar shade; members of house Tulbraiss, coming from the south of Aesiria, tend to have very tan complexions. But due to a lack of being in the sun and chronic illness, his complexion is waxy and sallow, almost having a yellow-green undertone. He often wears tunics with lovely embroidery on the collars and trim, which always feature a pair of metallic gold crossed arrows and the silhouette of a lion. [color=b2ff82][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Prince is painfully, painfully proud. He can be snappish and cruel at times, especially to those people who overshadow him. He can come off as arrogant and conceited; above all he is highly ambitious. He’s more than a little bitter, having been rather close to taking the throne of Aesiria, before Miry got herself thrown out and then the people turned on him. He’s cunning and shrewd, and doesn’t have very much in the way of morals. His one redeeming quality, if it can be called that, is that he has a soft spot for little children. After all, a little one isn’t gonna put a blade through his back. And children are more likely to see past weaknesses. He does all he can to befriend all of the children at camp. [color=b2ff82][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Proficient in crossbow and makes a show of proficiency in swordsmanship, but is really still too weak to do anything more than just posture. [b][color=b2ff82]Other:[/color][/b] Was originally intended to marry Miry; that arrangement’s been made since Miry was six. Somewhat hates the girl for “ruining his chance at glory” but tolerates her in the hopes that someday she will be able to take the throne of Aesiria as queen, and he will have retained enough favor to remain at her side, and become the king. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Sunny Rose] [color=feffa6][i]*points at self, then at the sun, then smiles*[/i][/color] [color=feffa6][b]Name:[/b][/color] Sunshine “Sunny” Rose (No one knows what Sunny’s name is, but they decided to call her Sunshine due to her happy outlook on life.) [color=feffa6][b]Age:[/b][/color] Six… give or take? [color=feffa6][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Sunshine is a pretty little thing, rather on the tall side for her age and a little thin. Her hair is bouncy, in honey-blond ringlets to her shoulder blades, and her eyes are bright golden brown. She has a splattering of freckles all across her face and shoulders. Her wardrobe is primarily hand-me-downs from the older girls at camp, often cut off and pinned or tied with rope to fit her small frame. [color=feffa6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Sunny is quite a happy little girl, for all that she doesn’t talk at all. She can always be seen with a smile on her face, waving to people and playing with the other kids, and sometimes the grown-ups, too. No one at camp has ever actually heard her speak, though they’ve seen her periodically use hand signs when trying to converse. [color=feffa6][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] N/A. [color=feffa6][b]Other:[/b][/color] Absolutely loves other little kids. And dogs. [/hider]