[/color][b][Viore International Airport]

[@Light Lord][@Ninian][@Experiment 249]

Well. Well. The Viore region. Home of ancient wisdom, myths, legends, museums, valuables, and other such filthy lucre. Also an ideal police to escape the long arm of the Kanto police. They'd tracked him all the way to Unova! Unova! Who did that!? He'd have to find a way to thank the Rockets for getting him out of that mess. He'd heard there was something locked up in that old mansion on Cinnabar that Team Rocket evidently wanted roughly as much as Jinx wanted to bathe in a pool filled with money. And that was [i]alot[/i] of want. He might have to take a look at that, when things were nice and shiny again.

He had....an understanding with the Rockets, almost unique really, the Rockets didn't have a cause. They wanted to make money. So, coincidentally, did Jinx. And Jinx, coincidentally, had proven himself to be a reliable third party trouble shooter who never skimmed off the top as it were.

This mutual understanding had proven quite profitable.

Truly, their relationship was the stuff of larceny-ridden fairy tales. He liked working with Rocket. They didn't have a cause like those fanatics over at Magma and Aqua, or those creeps in Galactic. God. That Cyrus guy gave him the heebie-jeebies. Something wasn't right with that man. He'd just done the job and made tracks. If he ever got the news Cyrus had bit it, he wouldn't be sorry to see him go. 

And there were other reasons to visit the region besides escaping the ever vivacious Inspector Jones-some elemental stones from a fresh market, an old crown on display.....So.

The itenary was as followed:

Take in the local flavor (AKA check out the guys)
Play a game of grab-crown with the local PD.
Liberate some elemental stones from the bonds of supermarketry, and get them into good, honest, black market hands.

Short. Simple. Heck, he might be out in a month if things died down, be nice to pop back into Hoenn, that Brawly guy was [i]cute.[/i] 

Absentmindedly, he reached into a bag dangling at his side and tossed a donut hole to the Houndoom trailing behind him. Houndoom was.....well, like his kid, his pet, and his partner all rolled into one. Certainly worth charming the local donut shop into some free donut holes for eh? 

He hated to keep the others in their pokeballs, but if he let em all out, it'd attract attention. Attention he most assuredly didn't want. He could save the mugging for the first job. No sense in tipping em off before hand. Idly, he glanced to his side, spotting a gaggle of trainers-kid with a Ampharos, another trainer about double the age-and some guy, 18? 23? Something like that, with a sword and some gorgeous black locks.


Must have good conditioner. 

"[b][i]All you wanna do is stuff your face and be annoying
All you wanna do with me is fight, fight, fight, fight
All you ever do is make excuses, God you're boring
All you wanna do with me is fight, fight, fight, fight
Use everything you've got inside, you still don't find the courage
Stick your tail between your legs and go

Oh you're just a man of straw, you think you know it all?
You're just a king without a-[/i][/b]"


With a twirl of his hands, Jinx picked up his cellphone, cutting off his simply rockin' ringtone. In the same motion, he leaned against a nearby pillar, not wanting to walk and talk at the same time. If he didn't miss his guess it'd be his contact over at Rocket. A traditional greeting was in order.

[color=92278f]"Hey babe~ Still a knockout?"

"Jinx. There's been development."

Male. Gruff. Annoyed.

Yep. That was his contact!

[color=92278f]"Sure ya just didn't miss the sound of my voice~?"

"Positive. Things aren't getting any cooler over here-they just busted our wing in Pewter. Won't be safe for you to come back for at least a year. They've got a copy of our accounts-they know just about everything."

[color=92278f]"Ouch. We still on babe? Or is the date off?"

"We'll do what we can, but you're not a member. We both know that. You're valuable, but we're not going to be breaking ourselves for you. Realistically, you're on your own. You're probably in for trouble, even all the way over there."

A pause. A sigh.

"We can try to smuggle you over to, say, the Orange Islands. Nice and isolated. Maybe you'd make a good fruit farmer. If you wanna run, at least."

[color=92278f]"Honey, I don't run from trouble. Trouble runs from me. See ya~"

"Goodbye Jinx. And good luck. You'll be needing it."


Another twirl, and the phone want back into his pockets. Jinx looked to his side again, only to see Houndoom giving him what just might be the best puppy-dog eyes in the galaxy.

[color=92278f]"Greedy little pooch huh? Bah. You earned it back in Unova."[/color] He tossed his long-time companion another donut hole. Dutch crumb. The good stuff. Only the best for his team.