[sub]Remember how I said I'd wait until Wednesday? I'm a liar :P[/sub] But in all honesty, I thought of Holland Roden as a possible face claim and then I just had to make this character and now I think I'm in love with her so I guess I've got three people now :P

[hider=Avalon Middleton][hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Avalon%20Middleton&name=Sweetly%20Broken.ttf&size=75&style_color=3EE077[/img][hr][hr]
[b]{[/b]"[i]A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.[/i]"[b]}[/b]
-[b][i]Marilyn Monroe[/i][/b][/center][hr]
| [color=springgreen][b]Full Name[/b][/color] |
Avalon Cressida Middleton

| [color=springgreen][b]Nickname[/b][/color] |
None. She thinks Avalon is too pretty a name to bastardize it.

| [color=springgreen][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] |
October 1st, 1997

| [color=springgreen][b]Age[/b][/color] |

| [color=springgreen][b]Classification[/b][/color] |

| [color=springgreen][b]Gender[/b][/color] |

| [color=springgreen][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] |

| [color=springgreen][b]Alias[/b][/color] |

| [color=springgreen][b]Role[/b][/color] |

| [color=springgreen][b]Loyalty[/b][/color] |

| [color=springgreen][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] |
5'9 with long legs, long red tresses, full lips, and flawless skin, Avalon Middleton knows she's hot. She's got a slender frame, not excessively toned, but toned none the less. Her eyes are a bright green, emerald some might say, and they compliment her hair nicely. She dresses in expensive clothes, designer dresses and shoes, and sunglasses that cost the same amount as a used car. Nothing but the best for Avalon Middleton.

| [color=springgreen][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] |
- Bites lip
- Taps out songs with her fingers
- Doodles on the back of her hands

| [color=springgreen][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] |
- Singing
- Playing Piano
- Shopping

| [color=springgreen][b]Likes[/b][/color] |
- Flirting
- Winning
- Hanging out with friends
- Classical music
- Shopping
- Fashion
- Romance Novels
- Cats

| [color=springgreen][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] |
- Douchebags
- Villains
- Mind Readers
- People with poor fashion sense
- Losing
- Scene-It, because her memory is awful
- Corn on the cob
- Cheesy horror movies
- Michael Cera

| [color=springgreen][b]Fears[/b][/color] |
- Losing powers
- Losing her friends

| [color=springgreen][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] |
- Flirty
- Manipulative
- Funny
- Adventurous
- Fashionable
- Intelligent
- Snarky
- Elitist
- Closed off

| [color=springgreen][b]Personality[/b][/color] |
To most of those that don't know her, Avalon is the prefect package. She's intelligent and resourceful, and is known for her good grades. She's also flirty, and loves to toy around with the boys, particularly the freshman, just to get a reaction. In that sense you could even say she's an attention seeker. To her friends, she's a tad bit more. Caring and kind, though she would never outright show these traits, she'll go out of her way to help her friends feel better, though not without a snarky comment at the end. She also has a love for adventure and is the host of the annual Mayweather Scavenger Hunt.

But to those who do truly know her, Avalon is far from perfect. She hides her caring nature behind a wall of sarcastic and snarky snipes, and is quite the manipulative young lady, who has no qualms about using others for her own personal gain. She's also a bit of an elitist, and sees heroes as more worthy of things than villains, and for this reason looks down on the students from Delphina.

| [color=springgreen][b]Abilities[/b][/color] |
Electrokinesis - Avalon can generate and manipulate electricity. She's able to expel it from her body in the form of lightning bolts or simply through an electric touch. 

Faster than Lightning - When using her power, Avalon's speed is slightly enhanced, and her reflexes are increased.

| [color=springgreen][b]Limitations[/b][/color] |
Avalon needs to charge herself up before using her powers, which is done by rubbing her hands together, rather quickly, or absorbing electricity from some sort of appliance. The longer she charges, the more voltage her electricity will carry. After 24 hours any residual electricity will dissipate.

| [color=springgreen][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] |
Hollywood, California

| [color=springgreen][b]Family[/b][/color] |
[url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0vx6vGnkm1r5tdn1.gif]Emmaline Middleton nee Levi[/url] - A sad woman who's been lost in a bottle since the death of her husband, her family always disapproved of her affair with Avalon's father. She has no powers, except for an intense tolerance for alcohol, although Avalon is 98% sure that this isn't an actual super power.

[url=https://static-secure.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/3/7/1394219328974/Diana-Rigg-011.jpg]Olivia Middleton[/url] - A strict woman who taught Avalon to keep her feelings locked up. She was mostly responsible for Avalon's upbringing, due to her daughter's alcoholism.

[url=http://www.electrokinesiszone.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/hands-223x300.jpg]Alexander Middleton[/url] - Deceased - Alexander Middleton, the hero known as the original Tesla, was killed while Avalon when Avalon was still a child. He'd tracked down the villain known as Phosphorous, but was killed doing so. This event led to Avalon's hatred for villains.

| [color=springgreen][b]History[/b][/color] |
From what Avalon has been able to piece together, her parents had a fairy tale romance. Her mother met her father at a gala that he had snuck into and they had a whirlwind romance that resulted in a marriage and a pregnancy all in the span of four months. Her mother's family cast her out, but the couple didn't care. They were young and in love, and none of that mattered. When Avalon was born, Alexander swore he'd give up being Tesla, but that lasted a whole one month. Saving people was what he was meant to do and he couldn't just take a step back from that.

Avalon's worst day came when her mother told her that her father wouldn't be coming home. She was five years old but she remembers every detail. It was raining, as if the world was shedding tears for her father. After that, they returned to her mother's family, where they were taken in. The Levi's were a wealthy family and they supported the mother and daughter, though they never failed to speak ill of Alexander, much to their chagrin.

As Avalon grew up she was taught to be prim and proper, to dress like a lady and act like one too. She liked the idea of dressing nicely, but acting like a stuck up priss never suited her. She was much more suited to hurling insults that had nothing to do with someone's class in life, much to her grandmother's chagrin. Her powers wouldn't reveal themselves until rather recently, at the age of 14 to be exact. After accidentally shocking a boy into a seizure with just a kiss. 

To have a chance to be rid of the world of the Levi's was a thrill to her, and she trained everyday just to be good enough to go to Mayweather, where she became a popular student, and began the tradition of the Middleton Scavenger Hunt. When the fire happened, Avalon was indifferent, seeing it as something that the villains deserved, and was outraged to discover she'd be sharing her campus with them.

| [color=springgreen][b]Extra[/b][/color] |
My second favorite superhero is Nightwing. What can I say, I'm a whore for the Bat-Family.[/hider]

[@HushedWhispers] [@lovely complex]

Can you handle three characters? O.O

I want to make sure you are absolutely confident enough before accepting her.