Animal Projection; This is an ability that psionically allows Milo to communicate both mentally and emotionally with nearby animals, granting a natural instinctive rapport more so than verbal communication. Telepathic communication is achievable, though in a more emotionally based manner. His ability to instantly bond with animals allows him to placate and befriend the most dangerous of animals and manipulate them to do his bidding. After he has bonded with an animal, he can recall on an empathic "imprint" to create a psi-corporeal projections of these animals, even when the actual animal itself isn't present for him to manipulate. These projections or "familiars", are essentially astral projections in the shape of animals, a part of his subconscious fragmented into something like two lions or a flock of birds. When he manipulates animals, his eyes often turn a pale gold colour. When he is controlling them in a fit of unhindered emotion they rage in a bright swirling gold colour. [@lovely complex][@HushedWhispers] I made some changes to his power. It's similar tho, just a bit different in how it works. Hope thats okay.