1. I personally like the idea of multiple gods, but with really only one pantheon. Like you can have seven or eight gods belong to one religion and one or two each belong to their own. Something like that 2. I like small and working our way up. Allows us to grasp everything thays happening easier while we are not dealing with tons of information that won't be relevant for a while. 3. Again, I like the less is more idea. It's so much easier to just use information and ideas relevant to the current story we don't need to have a ton of development for something that won't come into the rp for a long time. 4. I can't honestly think of anything at the moment. I personally would like to see an organization of Engineers and a group dedicated to the ancient histories of the world though. 5. Perhaps we've got some strange natural phenomenon that no one can explain. Like global warming, but crazier and less understood. Maybe lately there's been a large exodus of the local wildlife from their natural habitats, and we discover and flora their dies and seems to grow again as some twisted version of itself. Something like that. I'd also be OK with the war idea. 6. Id like to have In a sense guilds that each have their own prerogative independent of the rest of the world. 7. I would most definitely want to play a rogue or a wizard. Most likely one that is a scholar or an engineer as well. I like to play characters of lower middle class/middle lower class origin. Nothing particularly spectacular about them, having only one significant strength. Generally they average and balanced characters. I love leaving lots of room for good or bad development of the character. I really love the Dragon idea and the mixing of dragons Demons and Demon dragons.