[@TheHangedMan] [color=red] "I'm sorry but if like to address both of you before I sign this, Lets say two teachers are about to try to kill one another with very destructive very dangerous weapons that could fundamentally put the lives of both other students and teachers at risk. In that situation would you sit back and watch the blood shed as a mediator gets no where with the two teachers, or would you ensure the safety of hundreds of innocents by taking down one of them? I don't feel bad for what I did, I'd do it agin under the same circumstances. Let's face fact I saved those two students from enduring critical damage and did it without anyone other than the aggressor getting hurt. Before I sign this I'd like to propose a counter offer, I take the 35 hours but We establish some sort of security force, such as a disciplinary committee and as such I'd like to lead such committee. [/color] Yuri spoke with a loud stern tone much like his father, his eyes full of pride and intensity, his demeanor much more serious and cold.