[@Jerkchicken] Erm... maybe only active to where they can bestow their boon upon followers, but not interfere directly with the affairs of mortals? I'm not too sure what to think of this, I'm used to gods playing more of a background role. I'll toss in the guild of [s]Indiana Joneses[/s] adventurer archaeologists to the mix of what will be in the world then, and there can also be a religion that's focused on one god outside the pantheon, their own thing that they believe is the one true god. How's that sound? As for organization issues, I just mean issues that aren't central to the plot (necessarily) that affect only one or two groups. Something that isn't the big plot, but can be encountered if we interact with the right organization. [@Rockerman403] Sounds like the vote is for one pantheon with a god or two outside it. Works for me. And I'll toss in engineering organization as well, a group that works to advance technology. As for the history [s]club[/s] organization, how about a sister/brother organization that works with the archaeologist guild? As for strange phenomena... I've got dibs on that. I already know what I want to do. But the war and the cult will be more on the frontline, the initial thing we deal with. ----- So, overall, vote is for pantheon of 5-10 gods with a god or two outside of that, lets make it two. One that is currently being worshipped outside the pantheon and another that is dead, or really slumbering. As for scope and party problems, again, seems like everyone wants to start small and work our way up in the world, which I have absolutely no problem with. We'll also start small with the scope of the world, adding onto it when necessary. We'll intertwine the cult and the dragon war plots as well. The cult somehow sickened the dragon, killing it slowly, and helped to provoke the war that is now waging. In the confusion they are starting to summon up the demons that the dragons were defending against, and hoping to use them to wipe out non-humans. (Perhaps if it becomes a big enough problem, the heroes can convince the remaining dragons to help them? Just a thought) We have some organizations, the big ones that are known across the world: (let me know if you think of additional guilds or if you think something should be changed/added on to) ((Of secondary note, besides the Elsinian, feel free to come up with names for the guilds other than the ones I give them. Or if you like the names I give, say as much so I know we don't need to change them)) The Elsiniam: Group of mages and wizards that take potential pupils and bring them to their own dimension, to teach them magical lore and spells. Upon becoming magical bamfs, they take on missions for the guild. The guild's goal is to preserve magical knowledge in all its forms, and to spread its usage across the land. They do this because magic is looked upon with mistrust from layfolk. Explorers of the Depths: A guild of adventure archaeologists that seek out knowledge of the old world and of other dimensions, and try to bring them back to civilization. There are many different professions that are used and welcomed here, but most everyone has some form of combat training to defend themselves. The Arisen: A sister organization to the Explorers of the Depths, this organization focuses on codifying the knowledge and resources the Explorers bring back from their delves. This group wishes to preserve all knowledge, not just magical knowledge like the Elsiniam. The members here have much less combat training than the Explorers, which is why they've come to do mostly research and cataloging. Deforis Pietas: A religion that rejects the gods of the modern age and worships their own, singular god. This god's name is Dietas, an old word that means god. Architects of the Future/Sin Magicae: An organization dedicated to exploring the physical properties of the world untouched by magic. They have developed numerous inventions over their brief lifespan, and have greatly improved the general quality of life for most folks without magic. Many of the recent siege engines have been developed by them, and steamwork contraptions have seen a steady rise in use. (Can potentially be in conflict with the Elsiniam; they can want to destroy or replace magic with technology) The Travelers: A loosely affiliated organization that provides shelter to those travelling the lonely roads of the world. Anyone can accompany their caravans in order to be protected while they travel. Although they are loosely affiliated and have little authority over individual members, their mighty caravans aren't to be trifled with. ----- Finally, let's get some nation names. Major nations, minor nations, it don't matter. I'll get us started, how about we start off in High Republic? A kingdom that tolerates many, and welcomes refugees from the war. Felrear and Cosland are the nations fighting the war over the dragon's hoard and land. (Names can be changed, if you don't like them say so! This is just a starting point. Also, add on your couple of nations, just something to fill out the world at large with) Edit: One more thing, this game is going to have the typical fantasy races, you know, elves, dwarves, orcs, all that good jazz. But that doesn't exclude new races! If you want to add a race of your own creation, just mention it in the ooc. I'm gonna ask you don't just include one while we're in the middle of play, though. Like, let us know at least a little bit before hand. Why am I doing this? One, it's our own creation, we do what we want. Two, I want to add a race of my own, something of a pet project of mine that can potentially spice up the fantasy formula. Cool? Cool.