[@Rockette] So sorry for the delay! I have an unedited portion of the post ready, but it's raw. I haven't had time to get it polished yet. My son has been a bit of a handful these past few days. Got himself suspended from school for a day for hitting, and the like, so I've been having to deal with that. I'm hoping to get something up here today, but if not then for sure by Friday! I don't want you to think I'm disinterested. I'll give the music a good listening to this afternoon. I can't wait to. I love new music, and I've never heard of Motionless in White. Slipknot is awesome, and always so much fun to listen to. Addition: I posted it as it was. I hope the ending of the post isn't too abrupt or horrible. I was planning to add on, but I can do that with the next post. Again, sorry things got busy. life is life, yeah.