[quote] As for the groupings, I want you all to form groups of three. I advise you to avoid pairing with friends, however it is not prohibited!" [/quote] Takumi imperceptibly shrugged. He knew that the advice was sound — in a combat situation you don't always have the luxury of friends — but if he were to learn something, he'd rather group with people who care about getting something out of the process. He stayed hovering at the edge of Gloria's privacy zone, without overtly moving anywhere, and brushed his hand along the sword's hilt. His awareness shif̀te͡d̨, splitting into overlaid real world and highlighted links between objects and subjects. [center][img]http://il5.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/6250013/thumb/1.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dLeZOPo.png[/img][/center]