Gloria mostly sat through clasees of Math and English trying very hard to do one thing - not fall asleep. It will be extremely bad form to be found sleeping on the first day of the class, especially since it was promising to be a short one anyways. Not that she cared about teachers or anything - it was more of a traditional value to her. You should at least [color=fff79a][b]try[/b][/color] to be alert at something you start, after all. Still, neither piqued her interest(just as she expected), and so she was rather relieved to move on to something that was interesting in the past, groups of underclassmen or no(and they were not that much younger, in her personal opinion - what's a year or two, after all?). On the way to the lockers(with those two slowpokes with her, Gloria did not arrived first, as she did before meeting them, but she didn't mind, not being [u]that[/u] competitive) she briefly considered to ditch PE clothes and instead arrive in her "combat" attire, but decided against it - this was not sparring and will probably be more about pacing and advantages of groups of different sizes and stuff like that, and teacher seemed not like the one who would be lax on the rules, so arriving in shorts and tanktop will get her singled out....not a welcome disruption, not at that time of day - she just wanted to get things done as expediently as possible, for now, and get out of school and to that workshop mentioned earlier by an instructor. She smiled mischievously at the thought of trolling said teacher later in the year. Then came the thing Gloria have waited for and patiently keeped nearby Takumi and King - division of their class into the trained group. Acting without much(if any) hesitation, she grabbed both of them at the same time into the crushing hugs. [color=fff79a][b]- No freakin' vay I'm going to be paired vit someone else.[/b][/color] - she announced loudly enough for everyone interested to hear [color=fff79a][b]- If I'm going to vork vit someone - it's gonna be tose tvo.[/b][/color] - she snorted, realaxing her hold [color=fff79a][b]- For one, I don't vant to scrap all the shit ve came up vit and re-make it all over again.[/b][/color] To the Takumi, Gloria for a moment became the towering inferno of [color=fff79a][b]light[/b][/color], not unlike to the incandescently glowing ball of plasma - not unlike the sun. Two bright tendrils enveloped around himself and the King, [color=fff79a][b]warm to the touch[/b][/color]. Those were not the only tendrils - there were a few more, but the ones between him, girl and the King was by far thickest and brightest.