[b]IntChk: "Too Many Humans"[/b] When an advanced alien race arrives in orbit above Earth, they make their opinions about the precious planet's problems very clear: too many Humans. They set about dramatically reducing Earth's population and that population's use of resources and production of waste. How you ask...? A number of ways, about which you and I will write. [b]Desired Writers:[/b] [list] [*]Looking for 2-5 writers for 1-3 characters each. [*]Characters can be anything from an Average Joe (or Jo) on the street to a nation's President or most senior General. [*]This isn't a story about power plays or making the greatest worldwide impact, etc., etc. It's about writing an interesting story from the point of view of your character, be he/she a nobody or a somebody. [/list] [b]Reply length should be as follows:[/b] [list] [*]Looking for a couple of decent paragraphs if your character [i]isn't[/i] interacting directly with another character at that point. [*]Looking for enough to move the scene along if your character [i]is[/i] interacting directly with another character. [*]What I'm trying to say is please don't post one and two liners unless it is all that's necessary to move the scene along. [*]I'm not looking for novellas in every post! I'm also not looking for 10 words. [/list] [b]Grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks: mandatory. Enough said on that.[/b] [b]Plots[/b] [list] [*]The over all story line has a specific direction: the eradication of much of Earth's Human population by the aliens. [*]However, how that happens [i]and[/i] how Humans react to it are both relatively open... [*]...[i]so long as[/i] you do not tromp on the story line of other writers. [*]Please present your basic story concept to the Hostess -- that's me -- for my review before you begin it. [*]No one wants half a dozen writers to be working on their story lines only to have a single writer to claim that he/she is going to nuke the world or has a telepathically spread virus that will kill all of the aliens. NO power plays. [*]I don't subscribe to the idea of [i]It's easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.[/i] [/list] [b]Finding a writing partner:[/b] [list] [*]If you have a writing partner for a plot idea, wonderful. [*]If not, I will offer myself [i]up to[/i] a certain number of characters. [*]I don't want to overextend myself, but I also know that if I am writing with you, you won't have to worry about your partner disappearing on you. [/list] [b]On that note, about me:[/b] [list] [*]I was here for a while some time back, but my chief writing partner got sick and left. [*]I'm back again because he's going to return soon, so he says, which is exciting for me. [*]I tell you this in case you are wondering why I started, stopped, and started again. [*]I'm here to stay this time. [/list]