[@shylarah] xD. Thaaat's a good point. If he'd been more likeable, I would have said it was Miry who sewed and embroidered them, buuut... she kind of hates him. So let's say it's the same outfits from years ago. They're in kind of sorry shape. hehehehe. Prince: *goes to smack Paige, realizes Miry is in the room, awkwardly turns the raised hand into scratching his back* Miry: *looks up from her embroidery, glares at Prince, and raises the needle to the corner of her eye in a threatening manner* Prince: *bows slightly to Miry* Forgive me, my lady, I meant no harm to anyone. (imagine the words just dripping with fake sincerity) Miry: *looks back at her embroidery* You'd be better off bowing and scraping to Paige. She's the one you nearly hurt. Prince: *bristling* And why would I bow to, to a [i]peasant?![/i] Miry: Last I checked you were disowned from the house you were supposed to inherit, written out of their history books. You have no lands and no title and no birthright, not anymore. Prince: Neither do you! Miry: Ah, but I have the respect of the people. They would make me their queen of their own free will. Prince: *derisive snort* Hah. Why would ANYONE willingly follow someone who looks like she's seven years old? Miry: *sets down her embroidery sharply, suddenly about to cry, but speaks sharply* Oh, and they'd follow someone who looks like a scrawny boy of twelve? Prince: You are female, and I am male. Therefore, I already hold more respect. Miry: You are male and I am female. Therefore i can ask, Lady Queensguard, will you please kick my former betrothed in the nuts?