[@Blue Demon] <Snipped quote by Bourgeoisie> Typically I'd be all over this, but since we don't have anyone for you to collaborate with (at the moment) I'm willing to let this slide as long as something appears here before the game starts. Because Aspects can [i]literally[/i] save your life mid campaign.\ Yeah i know, I'll wait for the others [hr] <Snipped quote by Bourgeoisie> I don't see the second half of the requirements for this one. In order to gain the +1 you have to do the following: <Snipped quote by The Rule Book> But i did, both claws and inhuman endurance apply only when I'm transformed, which is worth -3. [hr] <Snipped quote by Bourgeoisie> You've calculated wrong (Hooray for being the guinea pig). It never explicitly says so, but everyone gets a minimum of 2 in every category. (Don't ask why, it just how it works. And I don't know really. But just go with it) That means unless you put the skill at Good or Great or have other factors such as stunts or powers, nothing changes. Ergo your Stresses should look like this: <Snipped quote by Bourgeoisie> [hr] Alright. So. This is probably my error when building the sheets. It's not exactly clear what those numbers mean to most people. Having two sets is probably leaving them scratching their heads. And the GM too, probably. (Because I'm a mechanics master I only know right off hand because I've spent literal hours pouring over Dresden Files character sheets learning all this crap.) I have good Conviction which gives me a mental stress box of 4 (p.125), fair endurance which gives three base (p.130), and average presence which gives three boxes as well. In bear form I have great Endurance (base 4), good presence (4), and fair conviction (3). [/quote]