[@Meiyuki]After reviewing your sheet I've come to a conclusion. If [@shagranoz] is fine with what you have, you can keep it. However if it was my game (which isn't so I can't make the call) I'd allow you to keep Evocation but not have Ritual. At all. I'd also bar you from having any other supernatural/spell powers and only allow you mortal stunts. If you end up going my way your High Concept would no longer apply and your Must requires:[quote=The Rule Book] A focused practitioner must have a high concept that names or implies his spellcasting abilities and focus.[/quote]So you'd have to rework that. If the GM says you can leave it as is, you're all good on those points. Though either way I want more explanation of your powers with the Spell Casting addition.[hr][quote=@Meiyuki][color=00aeef]Physical (Endurance)[/color]: [color=9e0b0f]3[/color] [color=00aeef]Mental (Conviction)[/color]: 4 [color=00aeef]Social (Presence)[/color]: [color=9e0b0f]4[/color] [color=00aeef]Armour (Ect)[/color]:[/quote] Just as a reminder you get an extra mild consequence (for free) on your Mental Stress if it comes to that. So far you're doing great! I look forwards to seeing the rest.