Silence settled in the room as Yuri finished his grand spiel. The adults in the room were taken aback by the sheer certainty in his voice. The fact that he was acting not only as if he was not guilty, but also a dispenser of true justice was . . . an experience, to say the least. The instructor stared at Yuri intently, and then rolled his eyes. "All hypothetical circumstances that can't be compared to the situation at hand. I would like to point out, very clearly, that the only one who actually injured anyone was you. You acted on nothing but your own assumptions as to what would happen," he said, sliding the form closer to Yuri, "and from what I saw back there, rather than attack an aggressor, it looked like you picked a side. That lady he was glaring daggers at didn't look like much of a victim." "As for your proposal," said the DO, standing from his chair and approaching the door, "I can't believe you have the arrogance to not only suggest that our disciplinary faculty is not enough, but to even suggest that [i]you[/i] of all people be at the head of such an organization. It speak a lot about of your personality." "In any case, your punishment hasn't changed, and we will not compromise." [hr] The instructor waited for a minute or so, observing as the class clustered into different groups. Eventually, the class was more or less grouped. For those stragglers that didn't bother to even look for partners, Sir Tan put together. All-in-all, there were twenty teams split among the classes. Two underclassmen were paired with Nishka. A timid pair of identical twins. The two of them fidgeted around the older girl, staying close enough so that it was obvious they were grouped with her, but not close enough for Nishka's hands to grab them if she simply stretched them. Once the groupings were settled. The instructor nodded. "Okay then, kids, our warm-up for today's session is very simple. Ever hear of the game "freeze tag"? Well that's what we're going to be doing. Here's the catch though: There are eight teams of "it's", and only members from the same team can unfreeze a frozen player. We play for ten minutes, and for every member on your team frozen, a corresponding penalty will be carried over for the day's drill. No Noble Arms, and the entirety of the quadrangle is your battle ground. Any questions?" With no questions asked, the instructor randomly picked eight teams to represent the "it" side. Those that were chosen were given sleeveless jerseys to wear over their PE uniform, to distinguish them from the other players. Pablo, Reinhard, and Luis were an "it" team. Takumi, Gloria and King, along with Nishka and her group-mates were part of the running teams. The teacher separated the two teams on opposite ends of the quadrangle, and blew his whistle. At once, all hell broke loose. "It" players began charging straight towards the other side, who responded by scrambling chaotically, sometimes getting in each others way and tripping over each other. Others had outright abandoned their teammates and soon a fast exchange of freeze and unfreeze was taking place. Nishka's group-mates had left her alone and were running together frantically. A team of three approached Takumi and attempted to box him. All the while, the teacher looked on impassively. It was about as he expected, really. [@Progenitus]-[@Eklispe]-[@banjoanjo]-[@Letter Bee]-[@Keksalot]-[@Altasaire]-[@KindledBeast]