Pablo analyzed the situation; he was [i]not[/i] going to go after Takumi, King, and Gloria; too strong. But, he wasn't going after those that were too 'weak', either; he might get accused of fighting [i]too[/i] dirty. So, he was going after the middle tier, and that meant Nishka and her group; this task was made easier by the fact that said group abandoned the Russian-American, meaning that he, Reinhard, and Luis can safely go after her. So he ran for the former street urchin, but not so fast that he would outpace Reinhard and Luis to the point of breaking the team's cohesion. Taking quick gazes to ensure that his former team members were by his side (Turns out Reinhard chose to go his own way), Pablo positioned himself to Luis' side, presuming that Luis followed his non-verbal cues and went after Nishka as well. [i]Luis would at least dislike me for this, which is a shame, as I want to be his friend.[/i] After a split-second of that thought, he would put it out of his mind for now, and keep going after Nishka, his eyes alert for any tricks and feints. If she went to her left left, he would gesture at Luis (who might still be entertaining thoughts of dislike) to catch her, if she went to her right, well, he himself would go on the offensive, and try and catch her, while being ready to roll away in case her teammates had a change of heart... [@TheHangedMan][@Eklispe][@banjoanjo]