No problem, I can handle worry. I’m good at affirmations. But as far as my desire to write, I don’t normally lose it due to stress. It’s quite the opposite. The more stressed I am, it seems the more I want to write. It’s a method of escape, getting away from what is troubling me, and existing without it for a few blissful hours. It’s therapy. He will be 8 soon. Everything’s working itself out with him, with a little bit of understanding on my part, and some acceptance of boundaries on his. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the need to talk, and just react to things that happen, especially as a parent. I’m trying to adjust the knee jerk reaction to be asking why something happened, instead of attempting to deal with making sure it doesn’t anymore. And he has to work on telling me what’s going on, instead of keeping me in the dark. It’s a work in progress. I love music. I can never get enough of it, so you’re idea of blowing me away, haha. I think I could handle it. So don’t feel like you need to hold back. I’m a fan of all kinds, from classical, to Metallica… Nightwish to Randy Travis. My taste is broad. Right now, I ‘m listening to Saliva. So bring it on. Thank you for the compliment. I do try to please, and it is my intent. I do feel that I’ve yet to get back some of my old flair. I used to be able to emotionally invest partners in my writing. More than once I was threatened with messages like, ‘if you make me cry one more time!’ or the like. It was a goal of mine, to see if I could move people such directions. But I’m not quite there yet. Yet. To further our collection of music, and to give a little taste of what I’m thinking with a new character, I’d like to submit “Famous Monster – Saliva” for the collection. I also believe, that if you haven’t heard the song Pet – A Perfect Circle, you’ll be richly rewarded to listen to it as well. Pet is just sinister, but subtly so. I quote from the song: “Pay no mind to what other voices say, they don’t care about you, like I do. Safe from pain, and truth, and choice, and other poison devils…” or “I’ll be the one to protect you from, a will to survive, and a voice of reason”. I want to write a character inspired by that song. The manipulation suggested would be fantastic to explore, as well as a stark sense of dominance in the song. I think I may add it into the character I’m creating. A man with a very dark secret at home… locked in her room. Halloween is an awesome idea. It would fit perfectly with the setting, and bring a reason for the party, make it seem less out of place. I'm thinking my new character will host it. so I'll put him up shortly, within the new few days.