[hider=Clayton Beck][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NBvovuT.jpg?1[/img] [h3]Clayton Beck[/h3][/center] [b]Alias[/b] - N/A [b]Age[/b] - 22 [b]Gender[/b] - Male [b]Occupation[/b] - Deputy of Soursprings [b]Appearance[/b] - Clayton is a lean, clean shaven man. His brown hair is cut short and combed to one side. He appears younger than he actually is, often getting mistaken for a teenager. He's in decent shape with hints of muscles along his frame. [b]Height -[/b] 5'11 (180.34 cms) [b]Weight - [/b] 148 pounds [b]Apparel[/b] - Clayton typically wears a longsleeved white collared shirt, over that he wears a black vest. On colder days he'll wear a tan colored jacket. On the lower part of his body he wears black slacks and dark brown boots. To top it all off he often wears a dark brown cowboy hat which used to be his grandfather's. [b]Weaponry[/b] - Clayton carries a Model 1875 revolver, holstered on his hip. On his back is a sling for his Model 1873 lever action rifle. As a last ditch defense he carries a hunting knife on his belt. [b]Equipment[/b] - Clayton carries a leather two liter canteen of water, an old compass, a leather wallet with some money and a few scraps of cooked meat. He also has a dark grey horse named Archie. [b]Skills[/b] -[list] [*] Clayton is a trained, talented shot with rifles and revolvers. [*] He's a decent hand to hand combatant, while not anything extraordinary he has been in fights in the past and can hold his own. [*] Clayton is pretty agile and quick, he can run for a decent period of time without getting exhausted. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] - [list] [*] Clayton is very weary of outsiders to Soursprings, he's spent his entire life in the town and has seen visitors to it cause trouble before. It's hard for him to trust anyone not from his hometown. [*] He doesn't know much of life outside of Soursprings, only has heard tales of it, some that frighten him. [*] He's never killed a person before, or even shot one with intent to kill. [*] His strong sense of justice and righteousness can get in the way, if he sees something that offends this sense then it is very hard for him to ignore it.[/list] [b]Personality[/b] - Clayton Beck embodies his father in many regards, who is the sheriff of Soursprings. He has a strong moral compass, often doing what he sees as right. He's very loyal to friends and family as well as the people of his town. He'll do almost anything to protect those close to him. He's naturally friendly to others and is well mannered. To strangers he appears shy and watchful, careful to make a good first impression and ensure they do the same for him. He despises people that rob, steal, murder and commit other terrible crimes. 'Outlaws' are a type of people that he wholly disagrees with and will try his damned best to bring to justice. He hasn't really set foot outside of Soursprings, outside of a few hunting trips into the wilderness, he doesn't really know the world outside of his little town. He tries not to speak much of the 'outside world', often turning into a listener if the conversation goes in that direction. [b]Backstory[/b] - Clayton was born in the town of Soursprings, his family having routes in the place, with a supposed hand in its creation. He was named after his great grandfather who fought in the Revolutionary War. He was born to a small family, having one sister, Ethel, five years his junior. His mother died when he was eight, leaving his father William as his sole caretaker. The young Clayton has to take a more active way in keeping the household together, having to care for his sister when his father was away. His early life was pretty quiet in Soursprings, there was not a lot to do other than working. There was a small school in the town which he went to for a few years, after that he got a job working on a farm near town. It was hard, laborious work that didn’t pay very much but his father encouraged. it He was also taught how to use guns during this time, occasionally going on hunting trips. It was during this time that William became the town sheriff after the previous one died. It was an easy job for the most part, there wasn’t very much crime other than the occasional brawl or drunkards misbehaving. He began to raise his son to one day take the job from him, making him a deputy at the age of sixteen. William tried his best to instill good values in Clayton which reflected in the job. For the most part it was easy going for Clayton, the people knew him and respected him, the only trouble he ever encountered was with outsiders. One notable incident involving him on the receiving end of some punches after he had to break up a fight which sprawled into the streets. Those in the brawl were ordered out of Soursprings. Clayton has kept quiet since then as he’s watched people enter and leave Soursprings. [/hider]