That’s how I feel about it. I mean, it has happened where stress has diminished my desire to play, don’t get me wrong, but most of the time, I seek it out to get away from what’s bothering me. I want to write because I need that outlet to voice and deal with my frustrations. It’s a great way for me, at least, to vent just raw emotion, so that I can look back at the problems that are facing me, with something of a calmer, more level head. A parent is a parent. Whether it’s growing up to fast to help with a sibling, or having one of your own, or adoption, it’s all the same understanding. Love is love, knowing that you have to sacrifice and pay heed to what’s best for the little one is the same no matter the loins from which they sprung. Though, I do think it says a lot about you to have done that for your sister. She’s very lucky. And yeah, I can imagine how awkward that must be, having your sister as your employee. I’ve managed a few different type places, and having a brother of my own, I couldn’t imagine having to impose myself as that authority on him. but it works yeah? Yes, lets. A constant push to get better, to top the last post. I do much prefer that to the opposite trend. I’ve had partners who have suggested easing off on the longer posts, in lieu of quicker turn arounds. I don’t quite like that. Not that everything always has to be long to be well written, but I don’t like sacrificing quality and length for a quicker posting time. So that’s our goal. Step 1, get back to where we once were. I’m working on my character sheet for a little bit. I forget we had a long weekend coming up, and it’s one of those holidays where I typically clean the house up really well, then then yard, then grill out, get drunk, and show back up at work on Tuesday hung over but happy as all get out. At least, in a nutshell, that’s my plans for this weekend. Might take the children to the Angry Birds movie. What about you? Any big plans?