Primarily so. My levels of stress are usually doubly compounded by a lot of factors in my life, but I have various mediums and sources to vent and expend what I'm struggling with. At the moment, writing is my primary source, I feel like I can convey and fall into it better, sort of getting lost once I get into that mode where I type away so angrily sometimes and refuse to stop until I need to read back. Hehe, I guess that does ring true. Our parents were busy people in our youth, and my sister struggled during that time due to the joint custody she had with her biological father and our mother. Between their work and everything else, I was all she had at one point. But, it does work having her as my employee, I instilled the belief of Home is Home and Work is Work into her. I can't give her special treatment which she had to learn rather quickly when she first began - but I know I can count on her now. Oh no, I would never ask that we shorten our posts or lessen them in any regard. Having to wait two or three days for a post is entirely fine by me. Seeing as we communicate regularly in OOC, I'm not worried, nor will I fret if some days carry on. Personally, it just makes the reveal all the sweeter. And there's no better feeling when you're eagerly awaiting for something, and viola, there it is. Hah, I want to come join your weekend. I don't have anything planned, other than work. At BDUBS, we don't rest, between our "casual dining" and sports bar, there's always something. Even with the Holiday, I believe we're still open on regular hours and families go out during these sorts of luxury days, so I imagine we will be quite busy and packed as usual. And it's the summer, we're hiring on new hands to fill in the gaps and busy hours, especially because some of the girls want three days off in the week for their summer - which I totally get, most of them are young twenty-somethings, and High Schoolers that want to enjoy their time. So we're compromising with them and hiring new hands. Interviews are lined out for next week, so it'll be rather busy. I would love nothing more though than attending a traditional bonfire though and getting drunk, grill lit up. Before I was promoted, those were my typical weekends. edit. My post kind of got away from me, but I couldn't stop it. It ended in a terrible way for me, I almost felt bad for doing that to her. But. The song I used for this post is called Needles and Pins - by Deftones.