Name: Anna-Gilyan “Angie” Hightower Age: 14 Appearance: Angie is on the pale side with freckles sprinkled across her face and upper arms. Her eyes are a rather grayish green, and her curly red hair is nearly always tied back in a high ponytail. She’s quite short and looks younger than she really is, something that’s sure to get her angry if you bring it up. But despite that she’s built solidly, and has a good amount of strength. She wears trousers and tunics, disdaining dresses in favor of more boyish clothing. She’s not hit puberty yet, and is still completely flat-chested -- another area where commentary is unwelcome. Personality: Angie is confident and capable, learning how to look after herself as she grew up in an orphanage. She preferred the rowdy company of the boys to the quieter friendship of the girls, and she herself is plenty rough-and-tumble. She can be fierce when provoked, but is just as happy to leave things that don’t concern her be, unless it involves one of the other children. Give them a hard time -- particularly any sort of physical altercation -- and she will step in, and usually she’ll win. She’s not afraid to fight dirty, and she’s very resourceful. She has a quick temper and a sharp tongue, though the majority of her snark is reserved for those she really hates and those she likes. Angie expresses affection best through good-natured verbal abuse. If she likes you, she will give you a hard time. Most taunts flung at her roll off her solid self-esteem, though there are a few things, like her apparent youth and lack of development, that are hair-trigger issues. She’s pragmatic, dependable, and very trustworthy, and Olyvar has come to count on her to get things done. She’s happy serving as his lieutenant and a second to Toby, preferring to make sure things get done instead of worrying about who gets to be in charge. She would rather keep order than be the leader, and even if offered the position she’d likely turn it down. Weapon: bow and sling, mostly, though she knows how to use a knife. Also her fists, nails, and teeth. She knows how to set traps, too. Other: One of the Tomcat’s trusted lieutenants, second only to Toby. She’s sometimes called Tiger or Tigress, and she doesn’t mind the nickname, though she doesn’t make any effort to encourage it either. She talks with a quick and chirpy guttersnipe accent, dropping letters like autumn trees drop leaves.