I finally made that second character... Name: Finn 'Gadget' Age: 17 Appearance: For 17 he's already quite tall but its clear he hasn't grown into it. Pretty thin and pale if you've ever seen him clean. He's usually covered in soot or some form of grime. Underneath it all he might actually be a little cute but its hard to tell. His hair is an brown with odd streaks of a much lighter almost blondish brown, its unruly as the rest of his appearance and if often also covered in dirt. His eyes are a curious greenish blue and he usually is either wearing goggles so you cant see them well or magnifying glasses so they look incredibly large. Personality: He's young but he's quite clever. He's the kind of person who asks questions too quickly answers them himself and then forgets he asked a question. In short, inquisitive, smart and lackadaisical. How he ended up in the camp is a bit of a odd story but if you can get him to sit still for more than 5 minuets he'll tell you about it. He loves to fix things and you can literally incapacitate him by giving him a hard enough riddle. Its a quite a weakness because if he shuts down to solve the riddle while in the middle of a job problems can arise. He has the emotional intelligence of a 4 year old and thats being generous, he can barely read emotions and you have to be very clear about how you feel because he will NOT get it if you are vague. He loves helping people but he cant do it for free, that being said he'll make a weapon or fix something do it for trinkets others bring from outside the camp. He got his nickname for all the oddities he makes that really no one finds useful and its not uncommon for him to stop by those known with first aid skills because of these inventions and how they back fire. He's fairly well known for his eccentricities and his usefulness if you need a new weapon, just be sure to tell him not to add anything special if you don't need a rotating sword blade or a dagger that glows in the dark (no one is quite sure how he did that one) Weapon: He has a several modified weapons but he rarely uses them Other: He runs a well functioning smith but only at night because the smoke from the fires would give the camp away. He's constantly pushing the boundaries of the current technology and the results have a 50/50 chance of being disastrous. If he ever approaches you asking you to try out one of his inventions, do NOT say yes.