Name: Gin Finch, his hero name is Wind Chaser 

His suit is also an MP3 player with state of the art speakers so he can kick ass while blasting tunes. Gin is about five foot ten in height and has a very athletic build of a body. His hair is a bright red and his eyes an emerald green.

Age: 15

Air Manipulation: Gin can control the currents and flow of air by drawing energy from the dimension of air. This allows him to create powerful gusts of wind as well shoot blasts of highly pressurized air that can pulverize enemies. His air manipulation grants him the ability to create windstorms, tornadoes and mighty blasts of wind. For defensive purposes, Gin can also create barriers of wind that can deflect projectiles and close ranged attacks, but this aspect of his power can be tiring if used to recklessly.

Air Constructs: Gin can make weapons and items out of solid air and use them for various means. His most popular weapon is a hammer and even though they are versatile his constructs can be broken when great force is applied against them.  

Flight: Gin is able to fly at high speeds through the use his air powers.

Personality: Gin is a funny individual who will have trouble taking situations very seriously and his love of music and dance makes him get distracted when fighting. He has a good heart and sticks up for those who cannot defend themselves from evil doers. He is a hard working kind of kid and will train like there's no tomorrow to get stronger. He considers himself an adrenaline junkie and loves excitement and challenges that will test him. Gin is also very tenacious and has a never give up personality and will push himself to his very limit to try and succeed. His imprisoment did leave him with a small bit of depression and anxiety, but he tries to keep it under control.

Bio: Gin was born to average middle class parents and for as long as he could remember, he and his father had the best father and son relationship. They would do so many fun things together and his dad would always tell him how proud he was of him. Gin's father was a police officer and was well respected in the town that they lived in. Gin was a lover of both music, body fitness and comic books as a young child and he worked to fulfilling his enjoyment of all three things. It was his dream to be famous for dancing, fitness training as well as comic writer.

Gin's life however would take a strange turn when the radiation hit him and he was given superhuman abilities. It was only a day after the incident that he had the ability to manipulate the air itself by taping into the power of the dimension of air. The dimension of air excited as one of the elemental planes, which were entire universes made of one element and somehow the radiation had caused Gin to be able to tap into the universe and draw power from it. With his new found powers, Gin decided that he could put it to good use and do some good with them.

He fashioned himself a costume and began to work as a vigilante. Things went swell until his reckless antics made him get caught by the government and imprisoned for his acts of vigilantism. He was unsure of what they told his parents and for the time he was locked away, Gin wondered what had become of them and if they were told that he was dead. Either way he didn't know how long he would be locked up in the place, but then he was given a chance to try and become a hero and get out of the hellhole and Gin took the man's offer. With a new suit that could also play his favorite tunes and new determination, Gin was ready to face whatever villain that this crazy threw at him. 
