[color=LightSteelBlue]Shawn Murray[/color]



[color=SteelBlue](Allure of the Siren)[/color]
[i]Shawn's abilities can be packaged up in a box which can be simply labeled as him being a 'Siren' or beautiful creatures who have been known to have [s]seduce[/s] compel other people into their bidding if not their deaths. The eerie similarities are noted between him and the mythological create but to the everyday human, he just a good looking guy. His true power, however, is Persuasion but his appearance just intensifies the whole entire situation.

His looks is obtained from a successful allocation of phenotypes that gives him his breathtaking appearance that borders on the supernatural that is simply ethereal, simply through the lucky dice rolled by mother nature. Having a body that would be eye candy for anyone, if it wasn't hidden behind those pesky things known as clothing. It isn't a myth that being a good looker can get you pretty far in life, however, that is only one part of the entire equation. Your social skills impact a large majority of interaction you have with people, and Shawn is quite well experienced with the art of persuasion, bartering and well... talking really. However, it doesn't to have an additional failsafe to ensure maximum cooperation, by which Shawn is always producing some kind of pheromones which can various kinds to trigger certain emotions. If he doesn't chooses the pheromone that he naturally produces that 'attracts people' to put it simply. Eventually through continuous exposure, whoever Shawn talks to eventually gets addicted to his presence by this ability. His pheromones acting like a drug to other people, filling them with desire and breaking down their free-will by making them addicted so that they would do anything for him.

[color=LightSteelBlue][i]Shawn is the kind of guy who likes to stay up to date with style and is more or less on top of the trend but he does stick to some clothing he particularly likes. He is like most individuals whether they acknowledge it or not is a judgmental person when he meets other people and is fast to draw conclusions. Nevertheless, he is a friendly fellow, a bit too friendly perhaps as some people who would like to say. And it's true, Shawn is quite the flirt and playful kind of guy who does it for the sport and isn't ashamed in hitting on anyone as they are all targets. He was infamous for his flirting during his time in the force but most took it as a sign that he liked them. He often teased his friend's own friends and jokingly made advances on them to embarrass them a bit but nothing too far out of hand. 

He fits comfortably within the nice guy stereotype but with a bit more class and charisma, for he likes to talk to people and leads people on a trail. But make no mistake, for this is his everyday behavior so be sure never to fall for his ploys. Most people accept his bold remarks as a compliment and as a sign of him liking you in some sort of way.

However, if you expect to anger Brandon just expect payback to happen but not at the moment. Revenge can be settled later while he is quite adept at bottling his emotions and pulling a solid poker face if the sleeves need to be rolled up. False and exaggerated flattery also is one of his talents that he likes to use when the chance comes around with meeting a [/i]rival. When fists do go flying, it's usually him to start the fights with the sucker punch and then never relenting afterward until he feels the need to run. However, all in all, Wazoski is simply a man in the 21st century who is a socialite nothing more and nothing less.[/color]

[i]Shawn was born on the West Coast of The United States in the state of California. Born to a family with 4 other siblings, John, Calvin, Rose, and Ryan, his life was pretty normal considering everything really. Being a smart student in elementary school and really sociable, he was the social butterfly of school who everyone knew and the teachers thought he was delightful. Having an easy time in school, being friends with everyone he dated a few girls who he liked despite every one of them at his school seemed to naturally like him at the time. He reveled in the safe bubble of childhood but faced his own issues within that bubble as well, questioning a few things about himself as he reached the end of Elementary School. Having a troubling experience with one of his friends called Nathan, who he couldn't help but be glad when he was there. Remembering the hugs he gave everyone, they were the best memories of him but at the time he never knew what that lump inside his stomach was at his age despite his knowledge.

Upon entering Middle School, he learned of his liking for both guys and girls after a simple revelation known as the locker room, but let's leave those memories for a different time yes? Entering High School, he was known to be an academic person who had mostly A's with a B or two in his grades. Participating much in school, he was again one of those students who people knew from his reputation and one of the few students for teacher's liked having in their class or talking to him in general. Having a great time in High School, he participated in school plays, musicals, and several sports such as wrestling and soccer. By the start of his senior year in High School, he had dipped his finger in every piece of the school and everyone knew him and vice versa. However, he liked to keep his sexuality with himself and dated other guys secretly that he liked when he wasn't dating a girl. Forming a steady relationship with a girl called Evelynn in the start of Middle School, they had broken up in their Freshman Year after he found out she was cheating on him since they got together. It was a huge gossip that people talked about that eventually washed over, and Shawn himself found someone else to spend his time with. Dating a guy who he found delightful and the same for the other as well, Marcelino was his High School love who was a Sophmore who graduated a year earlier than him. However, being invited to prom was a good way to out the two to the whole school and have Marcelino win the nomination of the prom King. Living his Senior Year out of the closet was fun, as his teachers and friends were surprised but he still hasn't outed to his family at this time.

Graduating High School with a bang, he went to college and got a Bachelors in Science before teaching at a School. Being quite the popular teacher for his outgoing nature for the teenagers and his attractiveness which no doubt brought attention to himself along with how young he was. However, when the waves of radiation blasted Shawn with its radioactive blasts and changed him completely. Over the course of several weeks, his looks refined themselves and a sharp increase of people likely him which made him initially uncomfortable. Learning to control his powers through conscious decisions, he solidified his friendships with the school. He however, was only caught when the whole school responded to an image of Shawn in a brain scan with intense emotions for each testee. Being arrested under the suspicion of 'chemical weaponry' or even some of the police who he heard with the accusation of 'superpowers' as well. 

His arrest and detainment was short as a man came to his cell with a person dawned with a cloak, conversing between the two for a short time. He was given the offer of joining the man in exchange for guaranteed safety from the police, instead of being labeled as a terrorist with a chemical weapon. Obviously, he wasn't a terrorist but the conversations that he heard from his cell created the trench of doubt within himself that made him accept the offer of the man. With the secondary benefit of helping other people as an additional bonus besides not being called a terrorist which was ironic. From facing the possibility of being labeled as a terrorist to saving people was ironic.[/i][/color][/hider]