Ok did this quickly. [hider=My Hero] Name: Aiden MacCullagh Appearance: [hider=Apperance] [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/0ab2/i/2011/181/8/0/bran_stark_by_bramble1031-d3kke7y.jpg[/img] [/hider] Aiden is around 4'9 in height. He has a slim build, slightly on the frailer side. His eyes range from silver, light grey, dark grey and black, it is unknown why this happens. Hair can range from a light brown to black and in-between. Differences from picture: Obviously since it is set in modern times the clothing would be different, it would probably be the same colours and simple clothes like jeans, shirt and jumper. Age: 10 Power(s): [u]Magnetic Manipulation:[/u] Aiden can generate, control and manipulate magnetism in all of its forms whether it be natural, organic or artificial. [u]Metal Manipulation:[/u] This is sort of a sub-power to Aidens Magnetic Manipulation as that is what he uses to control and manipulate metals. [u]Metal Sense:[/u] Aiden can sense the presence of metals. Personality: A sweet and thoughtful boy who is generally polite, respectful and well mannered towards others, he is curious and loves adventure. His powers have forced him to grow into a diligent and a tough-minded person as Aiden tried his hardest to keep them hidden and under control from others making him also quite introverted in the process (not due to shyness, more cautious.) Aiden is not a very athletic or sporty person, he prefers his books and paper over a football or basketball, he is naive/ignorant to a lot of things still as he is young and was taken away from both his home and education however this also forced him to learn and adapt to surviving on his own and fending for himself. Bio: Aiden grew up in Glasgow, Scotland, he lived with his father and mother along with his 2 sisters. His fathers side of the family was Scottish and his mothers Irish so he had ties in both countries and visited Ireland frequently, he enjoyed the countryside there as it was a contrast to the packed city that he was used to and was a lot more peaceful, it gave him the opportunity to think clearly. Aiden had a pretty normal life, his mother stayed home and looked after him and his sisters while they were not at school and his father was busy working most of the time, but he made time for Aiden and his family when he came home from his work. Aiden was very close to his family and looked up to his father, before Aiden was born his father was in the military until he met his wife/Aidens mother, he then became a police officer and eventually became a detective. Since he was very young Aiden dreamed of following in his fathers footsteps and wished to protect and serve, Aiden was well loved in his school and he did his best to help people. So life was relatively normal for Aiden until one day when he was visiting his family in Ireland a wave of radiation hit the earth and as a result Aiden had become one of the [i]"Gifted"[/i]. He was lucky he was in the countryside because at first it was very hard to control and he had to go through great pain to do so, but after practising he eventually suppressed it to the point that he could return to his school, it was very hard for him during this time, he had to constantly think about everything he was doing and it caused him to be quite paranoid and scared that he would accidentally use his powers, these feelings of stress, paranoia and fear continued to build and build until eventually it resulted in an outburst that would have destroyed the whole school if Aiden wasn't trying his best to stop it and eventually passed out from the strain it put on his mind and body, the next time he opened his eyes he was in a prison. Theme: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZrDEUldGr0[/url] [/hider]