WIP I just want to fine tune the personality a bit more, but the powers and everything is ready to be checked. Name: Diana Hun Appearance: [img]http://www.mrwallpaper.com/wallpapers/nidy-2d-anime-girl-1600x1200.jpg[/img] Age: 21 Power(s): [u]Kinetikinesis-[/u]Diana can shape and manipulate kinetic energy(the energy used for motion) for various feats including, but not limited to, rapidly altering the temperature of an area, altering an objects state of matter, create barriers using kinetic energy, kinetic absorption, kinetic charging. Though, her favorite use of her powers involves using kinetic energy to increase the power of her attacks. She loves the look she gets when she touches a wall and it explodes inwards. [u]Kinetic sense-[/u] Diana is highly sensitive to movement and can detect even on a subatomic level, but she is only reaches this level of detection with considerable effort. Personality: Upon first meeting most people believe Diana to be foolish, too trusting, and overly confident in herself, but this isn't true. Diana is all too aware of how the world really is and the anger directed towards anyone whose different or special in some way, but she doesn't want to let fear rule her. There's only one life, and she won't let herself live in a shadow. Bio:Diana's life wasn't anything special. She grew up in a loving home and finished her classes without problems. Once things started changing they didn't affect her too much as her parents did their best to shield her from the world's anger, but there was only so much they could do. One day she woke up and saw how much trouble her being there caused, and decided to set out on her own and see what she could do.