[@SunsetRoses] [color=red] "I'll certainly do my best, but be warned I'm prone to getting lost." [/color] Grey said with a smile while he walked in stride with the girl. [color=red] "So where are you from Jessalyn?" [/color] he asked honestly intrigued by the girls accent, he was keeping his eyes on where they were walking noting the progress they had made. Every time they walked past a fire evacuation plan sign, he noted all the exits and the grounds in general. One thing intrigued him though a large, I've just purposefully messed up the Quadrangle. Grey smiled, [color=gray] "I wonder if that's where they have their duels or training?" [/color] He questioned himself mentally. Without fully realizing it he had began to steer his and Jessalyn's course toward the quadrangle.