Name: Kellen Elias Age: 16 Picture (Realistic Preferred): [hider=Kellen][img][/img][/hider] Godly Parent: Hephaestus Years at Camp: 3 Weaponry: Crossbow. Her arrows are coated with the hardest metal known to man, carbon steel, which is also magnetic. She uses these magnetic properties to retract the arrows back to her for reuse after firing. Fatal Flaw: Cowardice and Paranoia Special Abilities (Limited to 2): Kellen is gifted with the art of metal bending. Though she can't manifest metal, she can manipulate nearby metal easily. She is also gifted with a general knowledge of how to use most to all weaponry, and how to build them. Other (Background information, etc.): Kellen suffers from severe social anxiety, caused for the most part by her disfigured face, inherited from her father. Her right cheek appears to have a sort of burn mark that travels from her lower lip up towards her ear, though she never received any burns as a child. She is extremely paranoid of others, earning herself the general label of a nut job of sorts. She's often seen talking to herself, or rambling at the world. She's a diagnosed schizophrenic who suffers from extreme psychosis. She would rather be on her own crafting a new weapon than talking to her peers. Kellen only speaks when absolutely necessary, or when enthusing over her passion of weapon/technology forgery. She is extremely crafty and can create genius innovations, however, she is extremely limited by her failure to perform under pressure and under the expectations of others, and even herself. In battle, Kellen prefers to keep her distance, a classic coward. In a fight or flight situation, she would definitely prefer to take flight than to fight her way out of conflict. Though she isn't brave, Kellen is actually very loyal to those she's bonded with-- and, as a result, clingy-- and will undoubtedly go back to help those few special people. Kellen's mother, a diagnosed schizophrenic, knew of Kellen's demigod status and metal-bending abilities, but nobody believed her because of her condition. Kellen couldn't control her abilities as a young child, afraid to touch metal objects like silverware, because the objects would contort and bend in Kellen's grasp. However, Social Services deemed Kellen's mother unfit to raise a child when Kellen was 10. A knowing Social Services worker that was actually a disguised satyr sent Kellen to Camp Half-Blood.