[@KindledBeast] [color=CC9BB4]”I was born and raised in Nigeria. Dit is werklik 'n pragtige plek.”[/color] She commended, transitioning from English to Afrikaans with ease. Speaking in her native tongue was one of her many relaxants, so she didn't mind if it confused people. [color=CC9BB4]”Where are you from, Grey?”[/color] She asked, trying to regain his attention. Though she focused mainly on him, sometimes she would follow his eyes to signs and take note of them. She noticed they were making some turns in their basically straight path, and paused for a moment. [color=CC9BB4]”Where are we headed?”[/color] The day wasn't mandatory for schooling, but she had planned to meet her teachers. Grey relaxed her though, it was something about his calm attitude, and so she continued following him.