Well, I'd have offered an invitation, but distance is what it is, and all that jazz. It wasn't all I had hoped it was going to be anyways. The weather did not afford us much more than rain. Here a shower, there a shower. All day for days indoors, peering at the grill as it's getting rained on, just wishing I could go out and light it. Hell, I got so desperate that once I tried, inbetween showers. Even put hamburgers on it. Had to take them off 10 minutes in though because the rain was falling too hard. I was drenched. My kids were laughing at me, but I didn't care, I was determined. Damnit. A brilliant post though! Wonderfully executed! I loved it. I heard that if you say a thing three ways, that makes it ultimately true, yes? Well, maybe not, but the praise is deserving. Bravo. She did end up on a sour night, but alas, she'll probably wake up with sore and scrapes and not remember too much more of it other than vague images and foggy recollections, and those don't really hurt too much. We shall thank Danny's "medicine" for that. I had to admit, I enjoyed his part of things too. I was starting to feel bad for him, thinking he actually really cared for her, until about mid-way through, when you pointed out it wasn't actually for her, but more himself. He wasn't upset because the possibility for losing someone he loved, but someone he saw as his. My sympathies started to wane a little after that. =)