[center][h2][color=turquoise] Atlas [/color][/h2][/center] [@chaotic chao] A rather odd looking person approached the little group in the back. As she was asking for us to join her to introduce ourselves, which Atlas wasn’t that keen on doing. The doctor came in and saved him as they watched Archer nearly blow up the doc and himself. Atlas kind of smiled, he had thought most of these people were probably pretty weak, but if there was something Atlas had learned in all his years was no one was to be underestimated. Atlas was laughing clapping his hands honestly. He raised a finger at Archer, [color=turquoise]” Remind me not to piss you off.” [/color] but just as he said it his name was called. [I] Shit.[/i] He pushed off the ground and hovered above everyone's heads. He hated giving out secrets, and there was a lot of things he thought he could do that the government probably had no idea about. Some of it was just speculation. Like Spatial-Temporal Locking, which was still just a theory. In theory if time or space were to change, Atlas would notice it, but in order to see if that were true by his calculations he would actually have to go outside of time, which was no easy feat by any means. He approached the front of the room where the simulations were running, he chopped the air and two targets sliced in half. Atlas figured they knew all about how he did that, they even classified it as Razor Wind in the books. Rather showy if you asked Atlas, but no one was asking him. He then raised a hand and closed it focusing on the third target, the gravity there suddenly doubling by the second. Within ten the target was a hunk of metal nearing a rough sphere. He turned to the doctor. [color=turquoise] “Want to see my favorite Doc? It's rather delightful, you do understand if I don't go all out here. You know I don't trust you.”[/color] It wasn’t a question, Atlas knew the man could read minds and it was positively pissing him off. There was no deflecting it, he couldn’t feel anything tangible nothing moving. It was like what the man was doing was far beyond even his own understanding. [i] Bullshit.[/i] He wasn’t lying either, he didn’t trust this man, and the others were fools if they did. He glided down to an ornamented left out on the table. He loved how rich folk just left glass stones in a bowl. Basically they have nothing [i] better[/i] to spend their money on. He grabbed a few and drifted back to the simulation area. He flicked one in one direction at a running target, and the other at a target out in the open taking aim. The first hit stopped just before going halfway through the sim and hitting the target there, It suddenly shattered and spun in an almost perfect sphere tearing through the hologram. The other went through and struck the metal then traced rapidly all along the holograms body. if it could feel pain it would have been in agony. As he did it Atlas laughed maliciously, he imagined a real person. The blood. The pain they would have been in, he wasn’t a surgeon but he did his best not to hit any main arteries. One time he’d Blended someone and they didn’t die until a full day later, he didn’t like that. It was better when they just died. He hated himself for enjoying their agony. But no one was innocent. He then through all the stones into the air and they broke spinning around him like electrons around the nucleus of an atom. They all shot towards him at a remarkable speed then he let them go ,snapping to protect himself as they shattered into bits of glass and dust hitting him. [color=Turquoise] “I believe that classifies as Absolute Defense?” [/color] He said to the Doctor as he dropped to his feet taking his position back on the wall with the others. He brushed his hair out of the way and looked at the Doctor again. He hesitated, maybe he shouldn’t show such a strong hand. It might be best not to reveal every trick up his sleeve, though he doubted he could even accomplish it in his current condition. [color=turquoise] “If I focus hard enough I can speed up my healing power exponentially, as long as it's not too severe. Once I was…” [/color] Maybe best not to tell them the whole story, he glanced at Soldier X then back to the Doctor. [color=Turquoise] “caught in a conflict, so to say. I was outnumbered but made quick work of them. I had thought he was dead, I swear he didn’t have a heartbeat. He cut my throat while I was camped not to far from the conflict.” [/color] He pointed at the scar on his neck, then quickly dropping his hands to his side, his head dropping a little as well not daring to meet anyone's eyes, lest they see that his own held murder. [color=turquoise] “I quickly reacted sending the knife through the man's-” [/color] He remembered the children in the room. [i] Shit.[/i] [color=Turquoise] “Suffice it to say, he was dispatched with quickly and then I found out I could direct my blood, after a lot of trial and about a week of trying, I had basically gotten it down. Wound still took another week to heal all the way, though.” [/color]He shrugged. He was really dying for a smoke now. The Doc called [@Rainbow] in at that point.