SIGH. The bane of online relationships I say. This weekend was super dreary, wasn't it? Even today. That's such a funny, Dad-Thing to do though! I stayed in all weekend, working up some conceptual pieces in my musings, listened to music and bummed out on the couch when I wasn't working. Oh, though I did go to a graduation party for an hour or two, old friend of my younger sister's that fell out of touch with her, strangely enough we communicate. But, anyways, I made her a glitter gift - tons of glitter and confetti in everything we got for her - was utterly fantastic. She's going into the.. Marines I think it was she told me, I honestly can't remember now. Oh, does it? Must be so, coming from you. I have thought of various ways for her morning to commence, but again Alexia tends to fall where she will, so it'll depend on her. Now Danny, he's a piece of work. I haven't yet figured if he's in denial of his desperation to keep Alexia as [i]"his"[/i], that he might feel something other than a possessiveness because of his mentality. I'm still trying to figure him out. Definitely don't feel sorry for him; he's the bastard of all bastards for a reason. Eventually I see him trying to use Alexia and Cadian against one another, he might just try that.