[h1]Guardians Collab[/h1] [hr] Archer found it funny that he took that smile right off of Vivian's face. He noticed that red energy was still pulsing through his hand, making some sort of buzzing sound. Atlas' powers were pretty cool, but thinking about how sinister this guy seems. He wondered how many people Atlas had killed. Archer had heard David call out the kid. ([@Rainbow] Archer was interested in seeing what the kid could do. He realized that he was sitting next to Vivian, so he deicded to say something. [color=red]"Yeah. I don't look like a person that would be dangerous, do I."[/color] He said chuckling. He had his hands clasped together, now he could feel his hands pulsing together. Archer sniffed, and grinned. Vivian shut her eyes slowly and opened them, as if she was summoning up the courage to not act like a pretentious punk for once. [color=silver]"I was shocked that you weren't able to control your own powers... You just threw yourself into a bloody door, sorry if I'm not exactly [i]terrified[/i]." [/color] [hr] Archer wasn't offended at all. [color=red]"I'm not trying to make anyone terrified of me."[/color] He replied. [color=red]"And wow, you're a bitch."[/color] He said casually. She seemed like she really wanted to get under people's skin. But that was going to work with him. Archer is hoping that he was getting under her skin instead. But knowing her attitude so far, probably not. [color=red]"It's not easy controlling a nuclear beam from your hands. Maybe if you had my power, you'd know that it proceeds to kick your own ass while kicking the person you're aiming at."[/color]He said with a snarky voice in his tone. Vivian snorted, grinning with amusement. [color=silver]"You're just getting that now, eh?"[/color] "Got something in your nose, Silver Curse?" He said chuckling. He's now getting it, she's a dick just to be a dick. She's not actually that bad, that's her way of apparently talking to people. [color=silver]"Yes, but it isn't [i]nearly[/i] as alarming as what's up your ass,"[/color] Vivian snickered. [hr] [color=red]"At least I don't look like I suck dick for 5 cents."[/color] He replied. Vivian sniffed a bit. [color=silver]"Please. I charge at least $20 for that."[/color] Archer laughed, [color=red]"You're not that bad. I can get used to your asshole-ness."[/color] "That's enough you two," Soldier X sayes, raising his voice as he seperates the two with his hands, "Break it up or fight somewhere else." [hr] "Okay, dad." He replied sarcastically, Archer grinned. Not everybody in this place were not that bad. Archer titled his head, and made another 'sorry' face, noticing the soldier could kick his ass in about 10 seconds in five different ways. Vivian nodded towards the soldier, the closest she'd ever give to an apology. She didn't need to make enemies over this. The boy with the metal powers seemed done. David said they were done for today, but Archer would be next tomorrow. Archer groaned, and of course. The night couldn't have been any quicker. [url=https://youtu.be/ZSS5dEeMX64?t=23]Make A Man Out Of You[/url] "I want you to try again, Archer. Hit the target, not the whole bloody room." David told him, this time David was behind the training room spectator glass with the rest of the team.Archer groaned this was going to suck. Archer was now wearing a hoodie/tank-top and some jeans. He blasted at the target, *BOOOOM!* [color=red]"WHA-WHOAAA!"[/color] Archer went flying across the room! David slowly drew his palm to his face, "This will take some time..Fiona, up next!" [hr] The worst part of this experience was not nearly getting her eyes seered out by a blast of nuclear energy (How intimidating!) but it was these two acting like kids, and throwing insults at each other. Well, they [i]were[/i] kids, but that doesn't excuse the fact that they were all given a second chance, and they were acting like highschoolers. Fortunately, one of the older members of their group told them to cut it out. Fiona was happy to be out of that hell hole, and was never going to go back. Though, the problem that Fiona had was that she didn't want to show off her power. At all. Fiona looked down at her body, and shuddered. She didn't appreciate being like this. That definitely meant she was going to sit this demonstration out. At any cost. Even though she's been practicing her ability. "This will take some time..Fiona, up next!" ... The moment of truth had arisen. Fiona was absolutely caught off guard. She immediately shuddered, and put her hands up, and shook them from left to right (Revealing her exoskeleton). "Oh, Doctor- sor- sorry! I'm... I'm not feeling too well." "I know your powers...I've read your mind, and I'm sorry. But you have to not be afraid. So go ahead, if they make fun of you. I'll make them think they're 6 year old girls for the next five days." David said. Stone chuckled. "Sorry, I... I... can't." Fiona insisted, absolutely dead set on not going up there. "Do you want to look like a coward in front of these people? Come on, Fiona. Don't be afraid of who you are, what you are." David said. "... Fine." This was not something that Fiona wanted to go through with, but she was being forced to. She sighed as she took careful steps towards the demonstration room, her cloak concealing her appearance. At this point, they probably all but know that she's a freak underneath the cloak... her voice pretty much gave that one away. But, like the good doctor said, don't be afraid of what she is. Fiona stood in the center of the room. Her anxiety was flaring up, as her heartrate sped up, and thoughts of fear filled her head. [i]Gotta be strong, gotta be strong....[/i] Fiona thought to herself. Fine. If he wants to see a demonstration of her power so badly, then so be it. She was going to wow them with this one. Reaching to each side of her cloak, Fiona quickly threw it off - releasing all fear of her appearance, and exposed herself to the world. She revealed what she really was. A tall, insectoid of a girl that was far from human as she got.... Suddenly, her exoskeleton split in half down the middle, in a display that released a green liquid out. Her previous exoskeleton literally fell off, as what remained was a new, milk white colored, shell. Once her shell came off, wings of a butterfly came out of her back. As her body shifted into this new form, she began to darken as she quickly turned jet-black... save for her wings, which had a brillant shade of blue. Once her transformation was complete, she was no longer half cricket, but now half-[i]butterfly[/i]. A beautiful Ulyssess Butterfly. Fiona let out a sigh, as she flapped her wings. "There, I did it." Fiona turned her head towards the doctor, [i]very[/i] irritated that she was just outed like this. The doc cleared his throat, and turned his head the other way. "That's...that's none of my business...." The doctor said. "What?" Fiona looked at him. "What's... wrong...?" She asked as she looked down. A few months of that cell made her forget a simple fact; her clothes don't transform with her. She was standing here exposed to the world. Not that she was particularly attractive. Despite all her transformations, she still had... her female bits. Hanging out for the world to see. Fiona quickly gasped in embarassment, as she covered herself, and quickly bent over and grabbed her clothes, and quickly ran off, putting the cloak on. This is [i]why[/i] she didn't want to do this. [hr] "Vivian, up next!" Vivan rolled her wrists a bit, leaving the spectator room for the training room. Glancing around the room, she wondered what exactly to do to show off her talents. Snorting a bit, she glanced at the doctor. Given his talent, he already had an idea of what she had in mind. And as there were no alarm bells, she figured it would be alright. [color=silver]"Now, please don't squirm..."[/color] she said calmly, as gradually, the doctor began to levitate. It was slow going at first, but eventually, she had the doctor up towards the ceiling. "Uhh...Careful now.." The doc laughed a little nervously. Slowly, the target across the room began to do the same. Flexing her mental muscles, Vivian began to strain, and the doctor started to flail. [color=silver]"Shit![/color] she cursed, as the doctor and the target were sent crashing down towards the floor. "OH FUUUU-" The doctor yelled while falling towards the ground! [color=silver]"Shit, shit, shit!"[/color] Vivian screamed, abandoning the target all together, and focusing on the doctor. Just before he would have hit the ground and become paralyzed, confined to a wheelchair, she caught him. He hovered a few inches above the ground, and Vivian let out a sigh of relief. And in her momentary lapse of concentration, the doctor fell the remaining three inches. "Okay...remind me to never be apart of your demonstrate, just like to not be in Archer's.." The doc got up, leaning on the window pane, panting. [color=silver]"Fuck. Sorry about that."[/color] Vivian mumbled, before leaving the training room. [hr] "Alfred! You're up!" "Ugh," he growls as he gets up on his feet, "Don't call me that. Just call me X if you want something short." He then treads into the training room and takes a look around his location. He knows what to do. "I need a weapon." he says to the doctor, "You guys have anything?" The next thing he knows he gets handed a regular old pistol. Talk about those high expectations getting shattered, but regardless this will simply do. He then sees a target moving about left to right, left to right. Time to show him his stuff. Soldier X quickly aims his gun and fires all the rounds he had in his gun, 8 to be exact. All of them were able to hit directly, or very close to, the bullseye. "Looks like I still got it." he says with a sigh. Even after not using a gun for months does was he still be able to use the weapon at maximum capacity. As a final part of his training, the soldier was presented a man in the black suit to which he was required to put him down with effective force, but not too much in which he can break his bones. Cracking his knuckles, Soldier X prepares to fight as the man comes running towards him with a fist aimed at this face. The soldier was able to block the first attack, plus two more and a kick. However, when the man decided to punch again, the veteran quickly grabs his arm and goes behind him, ultimately pushing him to the ground with a thud. However, the opponent wasn't silent when he was pushed down... He was screaming bloody murder. "MY ARM!" the man howls as he grabs his own arm gingerly, struggling to get up. Perhaps Soldier X may still have the power... but even he may want to control his technique a little bit more. Was it a success? Sure. If only that mean't to brutally taking down your opponent and breaking his arm. But alas, that wasn't the case, but he didn't mind it either, as he simply walks out of the room. [hr] "Your problem is, Archer is that your power controls you, and you don't control IT." Daviid, the doctor said. The doctor handed him a chest piece that had an circle on it, that's it. [color=red["You serious..?"[/color] The doctor nodded, and placed the circle on Archer's chest. The circle sprung into tiny circles, lines attaching them to the main circle. As soon as Archer had the circle chest piece on him, it glowed red like his powers. "This chest piece will tame your power, taking a bit away from you to be able to use it more...controllably." The doctor wasn't trying to be rude, knowing how this man could blow him away. Archer aimed his hand at the target and noticed how the red energy was not pulsing and much as it was as it used to. It was more faint. Archer smiled, as he blasted the the target with success, but stumbled back. Archer smiled, and nodded. [color=red]"H-Hell yeah..!"[/color] Archer fist pumped the air. [hr]