[hider=Yuri Tchaikovsky][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjliY2VmOC5XWFZ5YVNCVVkyaGhhV3R2ZG5OcmVRLCwuMA,,/josefin-slab.light.png[/img] [IMG]https://65.media.tumblr.com/973dcf5d811e4a6af4f03c9337990a74/tumblr_nqibohCgOQ1u2bfl6o1_500.png[/IMG] [sub][b][color=9bcef8]{ [/color][/b][color=#cecece]" [/color][i][color=#d8d8d8]And I sit here without identity: faceless. My head aches.[/color][/i][color=#cecece] "[/color][b][color=9bcef8] }[/color][/b] [color=9bcef8]-[/color] [b][i][color=#7b7b7b]Sylvia Plath[/color][/i][/b][/sub] [color=9bcef8]— Y[/color][color=#cecece]uri[/color] [color=9bcef8]A[/color][color=#cecece]fonovich[/color] [color=9bcef8]T[/color][color=#cecece]chaikovsky[/color] [color=9bcef8]— [/color] [sub][color=9bcef8][ [/color][color=#d8d8d8]" [/color][color=9bcef8]Siberia[/color][color=#d8d8d8] "[/color] [color=9bcef8]-[/color] [color=#d8d8d8]Given to him due to his Russian heritage; it's not that creative, but he likes it[/color] [color=9bcef8]|[/color] [color=#d8d8d8]" [/color][color=9bcef8]Bear[/color][color=#d8d8d8] "[/color] [color=9bcef8]-[/color] [color=#d8d8d8]He's a staggering 6'4" and built like a house, so it makes sense; also combined with " [/color][color=9bcef8]Siberia[/color][color=#d8d8d8] " to make " [/color][color=9bcef8]Siberian Bear[/color][color=#d8d8d8] " because it works.[/color] [color=9bcef8]|[/color] [color=#d8d8d8] "[/color][color=9bcef8]Reno[/color][color=#d8d8d8] "[/color] [color=9bcef8]-[/color] [color=#d8d8d8]Ironically called because he was born in Reno, Nevada.[/color][color=9bcef8] ][/color][/sub] [color=9bcef8]|[/color] [color=#cecece]December 18th, 1990[/color] [color=9bcef8]|[/color] [color=#cecece]25[/color] [color=9bcef8]|[/color] [color=#cecece]Homosexual[/color] [color=9bcef8]|[/color] [color=#cecece]Male[/color] [color=9bcef8]|[/color] [hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2b23f3bb0c7b8bfbce677a0d6edc4a3b/tumblr_nxlv72Fvlu1qd6639o9_r2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/feac6e5787c0b97cd60cb6f3c273ad6c/tumblr_nxlv72Fvlu1qd6639o3_r1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/69b640a1a0a046df618875f07031e580/tumblr_nxlv72Fvlu1qd6639o8_r2_250.gif[/img] [hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece][i]Single[/i] - Known to live the "bachelor's life", the tabloids like to paint a wide picture as to why Yuri has yet to shake up with any of the ladies ever on his arm. Always seen waving to his "dates", as they were, off in cabs or other forms of transportation, but never sliding in for a night of companionship. Various speculation suggests Yuri resembles his mother, never settling for anything but the best; such assumption spark a lot of controversy when seen out with aspiring actresses, ablaze from previous "Oscar" worthy performances.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Profession[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece]Director and Screenwriter[color=9bcef8]*[/color] - Has written for numerous TV Shows, though he's directed for a few movies. Most of them are independent - ways to stretch his wings - though a few have been critically acclaimed. Those have only been co-directed, however.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece]Patient is a startling 6'4" and weighs 198 lbs with a body mass index of 24.1; blonde hair, blue eyes, caucasian, male. Most weight carried in the torso, where the muscle seems heavier set and thicker - though the legs aren't spared a rigorous, routine exercise, they just lack the heavy definition and attention paid to his upper half. Patient contains an athletic build geared more toward lifting heavy objects than speed or endurance (note: nurse screamed in Spanish upon accidentally sneaking up on him; something about a large bear, a few choice words, and a slap to the face that ended up smacking his neck). Extremely healthy individual with little to no scarring, aside from the starburst just above his right eyebrow. No tattoos or piercings seen. Lacks a sex life (apparently). Carries himself with a perfect, almost rigid posture and prefers not to be touched for lengthy periods of time - only allows efficient, clinical touches. Voice is deep, as usual, with a very soft lilt to it (can slip into a self-trained, Russian accent because why not intimidate my nurses more?) Blood pressure normal. Has increased chance of heart arrhythmia due to genetics and a lower than normal alcohol tolerance, as well as an increased risk for liver disease...[/color][/sub][/indent] [center][hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/6cb42370ad2239fe5d90fc94b95a433a/tumblr_nt6oy9140G1r3m40zo1_540.gif[/img] [hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Habits - Quirks - Oddities[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece][i]Notes from his therapist:[/i] [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Due to a brief few months of deafness (onset by a severe case of influenza), when put in a stressful situation, Yuri reverts to ASL to speak and refuses to put voice to words. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Can't seem to stare people in the eyes - a possible case of the usual parental problems, i.e. daddy issues. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Rather impersonal and very dismissive, especially concerning anything he does wrong. Shuts down easily, as if disregarding the matter entirely fixes it. A case of "ignore the problem and it goes away." When this doesn't work, he tends to turn on himself before anyone else has the chance to. Make a joke out of yourself and you don't become one. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Worried he had epilepsy as Mr. Tchaikovsky tends to space out often and with little warning. However, looking closer, it's very easy to tell when something disinterests Mr. Tchaikovsky as he tends to slowly let his eyes flit away from where his attention should be until he can safely crawl back into his own mind. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] When given a pen and paper, Mr. Tchaikovsky scribbles inbetween his words; the margins of his journal are filled with countless scratches and he goes through pens alarmingly fast. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Fixates on one aspect of a person, not in order to remember them (he has quite an average memory), but rather because he tends to pay closer attention to the smaller things, rather than the big picture. Has slipped and called me "Polka Dot Bow Tie" on numerous occasions and, "Lisp" for my receptionist - not out of spite, I've noticed.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Hobbies[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece][color=9bcef8]*[/color] Of the numerous things Yuri does, most of them are for work, in one form or another. However, he does gravitate toward writing smaller projects, such as poems and short stories. The latter, of course, often ventures into fan fiction, something he tells no one... ever. He's a secret nerd. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Being a writer, in general, means countless reading and most, if not all, of it is devoted to research. Accuracy when writing is a great skill to have. However, as a hobby, Yuri tends to read whatever he can get his hands on. He's a particular fan of older works, like Jane Eyre, and fantasy, like C.S. Lewis. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] And, of course, Yuri wouldn't be himself if he didn't rigorously exercise three times out of the week. He also jogs every morning before starting the day. He particularly loves swimming.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Likes[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece][color=9bcef8]*[/color] The cold, of course [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Golden Retrievers and Huskies (but mostly all dogs) [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Expanding his palette; loves new foods [color=9bcef8]*[/color] The only person ever to love cold showers [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Reading anything and writing just about anything [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Loves being high, as in up high [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Quiet company[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Dislikes[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece][color=9bcef8]*[/color] Being yelled at [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Disappointment from his peers [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Having to face his problems [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Loud, abrupt noises; particularly near his ears, for fear of losing his hearing, again. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Horror movies [color=9bcef8]*[/color] Eye contact [color=9bcef8]*[/color] His father[/color][/sub][/indent] [center][hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/8783a44f0e68aa848c28b66696f1e89d/tumblr_nv673qlmj81t8w5glo3_540.gif[/img] [hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Fears[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece][color=9bcef8]*[/color] Despite being a writer and needing his eyesight most of all, Yuri has a deep seated fear of losing his hearing. [color=9bcef8]*[/color] He's already disappointed his father, the only person he's scared of disappointing now is his mother.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece]Utterly emotional and privy to falling prey to them; Genuine to a fault; Self-deprecating and lacks self-worth; Kind behind the stoicism; A people pleaser, if there ever was one.[/color][/sub][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Personality[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece]A mystifying individual. With sweeping gestures and a pair of furrowed brows, Yuri embodies a Michelangelo statue with the grace of a thoughtful expression, laced in the marble curves of his hard jawline. He's an unmistakable figure sitting down and a beacon of stern eyes standing. Undoubtedly, many people see Yuri as a constant, a wave of force to back up the intimidating tilt of his shoulders and the confidence in the jut of his chin. Yuri, to a person withheld the grace of his actual company, personifies the stereotypical terror settled in a mountain of a man of Russian decent — someone who drips vodka and Soviet Union from iron pressed suits. People's perspective of Yuri detail exactly what Yuri wants people to perceive. All of his machismo, the stoicism, build up a great act and an even better wall. If people are too intimidated to find out that there's more to Yuri, all the better to hide himself in that shell. Beyond the cold aura, Yuri comprises of a man lacking any self-worth with no idea of how to fix what's always been broken. Not ironically so, as is a common occurrence, underneath the stoic demeanor lies a man who feels deeper than most. For Yuri, challenges come in not being swayed by his emotions, rather than feeling them, at all. Many, many times, Yuri prefers to ignore his problems and his emotions tend to comprise of 90% of those problems and the 10% being people, in general. Ignorance, however, forces Yuri to always look in on himself in a light he's not too fond of. Most of Yuri's anger can be focused on that sole point, allowing him to overcome petty frustrations caused by other people. What he does for other people stems from both his need to please his family and a need lack of worth for himself. However, that does nothing to lessen the impact and sincerity of his actions. His smile is real and his offered hand is even more so.[/color][/sub][/indent] [center][hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/a934538479a66679aec6139c0ad2a1c9/tumblr_nxb30xAQGz1qm3ykbo10_540.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/0fa4926fa009841efe15fda98527808f/tumblr_nxb30xAQGz1qm3ykbo9_540.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9babfa372e6b2a627e1eeab7e3a61dae/tumblr_nxb30xAQGz1qm3ykbo2_540.gif[/img] [hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece]Born in [i]Reno, Nevada[/i] Tchaikovsky's come from [i]Saint Petersburg, Russia[/i][/color][/sub][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Family[/b][/color][/u] [indent][color=#cecece][sub]| Mother | 53 | Anastasia Pyotrovna Tchaikovksy |[/sub] [indent][sub]Actress. Renowned for her role in a Cannes Film Festival winning drama titled [i]Serdsta (сердца)[/i] and subsequent roles in various American films, mostly dramas. Known for her scathing, dry humor in various interviews.[/sub][/indent] [sub]| Father | 57 | Afon Maximovich Tchaikovsky |[/sub] [indent][sub]Director. Known for a number of films, most of which are astoundingly successful. The latter of his career, however, has taken quite a tumble that started off wit ha co-directed film with his son, of which set the record for worst flop since [i]47 Ronin[/i] and [i]The 13th Warrior[/i]. Still directing, he's since been trying to recover, unsuccessfully.[/sub][/indent][/color][/indent] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]History[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece]The Tchaikovsky family's legacy starts with Afon Tchaikovsky becoming a new man, moving to America with his wife in tow and a baby coming sooner than planned. Both he and his wife had already paved the way to fame and fortune through calloused hands, sweat, and blood, but no tears. They started from scratch in Saint Petersburg and made something of themselves within Russia's dearth scene. America seemed the next step and with Afon soaring in on an already influential stream of work and dedication, along with his Wife's various gigs both within Russia and outside of it, allowed them to land a spot that gave them the acclaim they needed. Now it was just raw talent and connections allowing Afon to pick a spot ahead of the game. A son (and a possible heir, to Afon, at least) came with the move, and the quiet year allowed the two to raise Yuri well enough to pass him on to a nanny when the move from Reno to Los Angeles came quicker than expected. However, where his father saw a boy to take over his legacy, his wife saw otherwise and did her best to nurture and raise Yuri to be as good a man as she could make him. That quickly became a task once his father began toting around his personal assistant, conditioning young Yuri to be a spitting image of his father. That didn't work out as well as the man thought and before he knew it, he'd lost his hold on the young boy. Aspirations and ideas found themselves inside Yuri's head and with the idea that he needed to please his father, Yuri took to them with a determination far beyond an adolescent. The disappointment facing him turned that idea on its head. To curb this enthusiasm for things Afon deemed trivial, he took Yuri to his closest friends, a tight knit circle of parents with kids of their own. He'd hoped the influence would turn Yuri around, show him the wonders of what his father offered him and the talent that he could nurture and develop. For a moment, it did. It allowed Afon to plant that crippling idea that he needed to live up to what his father expected of him, no matter the cost. From there on, it was nothing but disappointment and that destroyed Yuri. It pushed him further into the shell he hadn't known surrounded him and forced him to build barriers against a world he felt worked against him. That notion propelled him through high school and college with hard set goals in mind and a lack of friends who he considered tried and true, like those he'd see come summer. Further on, he experienced nothing but crippling failure from his father and a flop he always thought he'd been responsible for. And a divorce that sprouted from it. If he felt responsible for the failure of a movie, he felt even more so about this. However, his mother reassured him and pushed him in a direction she thought fit him best - just a suggestion and nothing more, but he took to it like a mission. Because, if there was anything he didn't want to do it was disappointing another parent. That also meant showing up to his regularly scheduled appointments with his assigned therapist. Who he is and what he wants to become seem to be the core of Yuri's problems. Moving on from one parent's idea of him to the other doesn't seem to be the best choice, something his therapist tells him to always keep in mind. Always asks, "What do you want, Yuri? What do you want?" and he can never quite wrap his mind around an answer. Or, at least, something he deems sufficient enough to be considered an answer.[/color][/sub][/indent] [center][hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/f801cfe5ea833f5a28bd2003f5415eda/tumblr_o23eev3wt21qfdneyo1_500.gif[/img] [hr][color=#cecece]⌘[/color] [color=9bcef8]⌘[/color] [color=#cecece]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [color=9bcef8][[color=#7b7b7b]▣[/color]][/color] [u][color=#d8d8d8][b]Extra[/b][/color][/u] [indent][sub][color=#cecece]— Favorite Celebrity: Meryl Streep (of course! that's a no brainer, haha!) — Fluent in Russian, German, and French. — [color=9bcef8]*[/color]Dabbles in acting, just to follow in his mother's footsteps. Supporting actor in co-directed movies. — A Siberian cinnamon roll. Tastes like fermented potatoes and husky puppy smiles.[/color][/sub][/indent][/hider]