[hider=Lily “Sayuri” Miller] [center][h1][color=990000]Lily “Sayuri” Miller[/color][/h1] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8d/5e/1e/8d5e1ef73be94d47765a6f9935323aae.jpg[/IMG] [b]{[/b]"[i]Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b][i]Unknown[/i][/b][/center] | [color=990000][b]Lily Claire Miller[/b][/color] | | [color=990000][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Sayuri – Her preferred nickname. Japanese name meaning small lily. Given to her by a Japanese Nanny/Caretaker that she had when she was younger. | [color=990000][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | Saturday, August 16, 1994 | [color=990000][b]Age[/b][/color] | She is 22 years old. | [color=990000][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | She is in a complicated but working relationship. | [color=990000][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female | [color=990000][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Homosexual | [color=990000][b]Profession[/b][/color] | She is a professional MMA fighter though she does do some acting on the side though she mostly works in supporting roles in action movies. | [color=990000][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | She is rather tall at 5'11” with dark blue eyes. She has a lithe fighters build going for a balance of strength and agility. She rarely wears any sort of makeup and even when she does it's only the bare basics. She usually has her hair back in a low ponytail. She doesn't have any tattoos though she does have a large number of scars. Most of the scars crisscross her back and forearms due to an accident when she was younger. The rest are from training or fights. | [color=990000][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | She almost always eating some sort of hard candy like Lemonheads or a sucker. Preferring citrus and fruit flavored candies. She has a habit of playing with a dragon head necklace whenever she is bored, upset or agitated. Tends to forget the world exists when focusing on whatever she is watching or focusing on. | [color=990000][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | Watching anime, learning new marital arts, and reading good books. | [color=990000][b]Likes[/b][/color] | Fighting, writing, cats, dragons, Asian food, books and furry art. | [color=990000][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | Spicy food, dogs(excluding wolves), people that don't take a hint, talking about her private history(closer to hate), bad writing, beer, and being stared at. | [color=990000][b]Fears[/b][/color] | She is afraid of relapsing into her old drug habits and being betrayed or abandoned by the ones she cares about. | [color=990000][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | Easy to talk to, rarely acts anything less than neutral, has few true friends, difficult to make angry, difficult to calm down, and gets aggressive with everyone. | [color=990000][b]Personality[/b][/color] | She is generally laid back and carefree making her easy to talk to and get along with. Though she is almost always friendly she tries to keep people as arms length as possible actually and becoming her friend takes a lot of effort and time on their part. It is worth it in the end however as once you have earned her friendship you have it for life along with her trust. This does come with a downside however as if you do something to ruin that friendship you are never getting it back. The best you can hope for is neutrality with her. While she is never one to negativity outwards she does deal with it in her own way. The hardest thing to do however is piss her off. It takes a lot of poke and prodding. To the point where you have to almost be doing it intentionally. Once she does get angry though it is never pretty. She gets aggressive and difficult to deal with as the aggression isn't aimed at any one thing everyone nearby gets hit with it. Calming her down is a chore as it usually takes lots of fighting and training to get it out of her system. Though she almost always feels bad afterward for those who she yelled at after she calms down. | [color=990000][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | She was born in her mothers large personal house in Gig Harbor, WA. | [color=990000][b]Family[/b][/color] | Seth Miller – Father – CEO of a large corporation – They have a very antagonistic relationship though neither one hates the other. Irene Miller – Mother – Actress and Model – The two of them are extremely close. Rose Miller – Twin Sister – College Student for Business – The two of them are incredibly close and protective of each other. Alice Miller – Younger Sister – High School Freshmen – They have a close but rocky relationship. | [color=990000][b]History[/b][/color] | She was as the oldest of two twins in her mothers private residence with no complications. Her early childhood was fairly normal for a kid like her. She had everything she wanted, loving parents, private tutors in the eveings, and a nanny among other things. Life was perfect for her until after her younger sister Alice was born. Life was starting to get bland. She had too many things, her tutors classes didn't interest her, and didn't really have many friends in school. She started to become a “problem child.” She got into fights with other kids, some of her grades started slipping, sneaking out, and was just generally causing problems. That caused many problems at home and fights with her father. It was around this time that she began getting close with her nanny and one of the live in bodyguards. Her nanny took it upon herself to get close with her so in hopes that she would calm down having another person other than her mother and father and it helped she did calm down some and though she still got into fights though much less often. They eventually grew so close that she was like a second mother to her. Around the same time she also found one of the bodyguards training in the yard one day while he was training. She was fascinated by the moves he was doing and watched for several days before approaching and asking him what he was doing and if he could teach her. He was extremely hesitant at first but after several times asking from her and an okay from her mom he agreed. She was and eager student and quick learner. As the years went on things got more and more stressful as her issues with her father got worse. Other things happened as well such as her nanny dying in an accident. Most of her friends moving and a handful of other smaller things. It all culminated in one two year span of issues. The first and foremost is that when she hit high school she immediately fell into the wrong crowd and falling into doing drugs. By this point the bodyguard had stopped teaching her as he had nothing else left to teach. Over two years things spiraled down into a confrontation with her father about it when she was sixteen. He'd caught her while she was high in one of the hallways in their house in front of a large china shelf. They got into a huge argument that ended when she tried to throw a punch. Her dad easily caught it due to her condition and she tried to pull herself free. When he finally let her go she had just tried to pull away, wasn't expecting it, and stumbled back into the shelf bringing it down on them. Neither was injured and she dropped her habits nest day. Many good things came of these events however. She was able to meet her nannies daughter and the two very quickly became friends and recently girlfriends though they are currently having issues. She was also given an opportunity and she was seen by an MMA coach after a fight with a couple guys allowing her the chance to fight in a controlled environment rather than on the street. Her mom also got her a couple small roles in acting. Also her times at the Summer house where always the bright points of the year and caused the least problems while there. During her two most difficult years she didn't go as her family felt it was for the best. | [color=990000][b]Extra[/b][/color] | My favorite celebrity is Leonardo DiCaprio.[/hider]