[hider=Zahra Heaven] [hr][hr][center][h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/daKoG2D.png[/img][/h1][hr][hr] [IMG]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qwzQCsyQfcA/VTAD051eplI/AAAAAAACLXA/SrMUrKVJwbo/s1600/61.gif[/IMG] [b]{[/b]"[i]When things go wrong, don't go with them.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b][i]Elvis Presley[/i][/b][/center][hr] | [color=#F25DF4][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Zahra Aiden Heaven | [color=#F25DF4][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | She lets her friends call her 'Zay' and her fans call her 'Heavenly', oh she just loves their creativity. | [color=#F25DF4][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | April 15, 1994 | [color=#F25DF4][b]Age[/b][/color] | 22 | [color=#F25DF4][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | Single, doesn't feel ready for a romantic relationship. | [color=#F25DF4][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female | [color=#F25DF4][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Pansexual | [color=#F25DF4][b]Profession[/b][/color] | A professional singer, dancer and amateur actress. | [color=#F25DF4][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Zahra is a chocolate brown complexion lady strutting around with only a height of 5'2. Her height doesn't make her feel discouraged, possessing a hourglass frame overcomes her disadvantage in the height department. Weighing more on the lower half of her body, inheriting her mother's wide hips, thick thighs, and perky bum. Being a dancer -and (almost) daily exercises- her thighs are toned and defined, which she shows off occasionally by wearing shorts or small skirts. If she is wearing any top that shows her stomach, her mediocre set of abs can be seen. Dancing and boxing/karate help greatly in her stomach but her substantial love for sweets and food in general effects her torso. Moving further up to her slender, oval-shaped head shape, displaying her as elegant and fierce. Her face is almost oddly symmetrical, playful yet stunning dark brown eyes sparkle with anticipation and confidence. At a resting face her mouth is small and plump but can stretch into a smile that just radiates joyfulness. She has one ear piercing on each ear lobe, her fear of needles drives her away from getting any other piercings or tattoos. She still finds them attractive and stylish if they're not excessive. [hr][center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcvrhyQU2z1qk8x9e.gif[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lglgo4K0SG1qcfba3o1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr] | [color=#F25DF4][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | *Zahra can never stay still, unless she has to. If she's waiting for someone, standing in line, or even chatting with someone she will start to move her fingers or even start dancing slightly. If she is acting and she is told to stand she will try her best not to start bobbing her head. *When in deep thought she will start to hum a tune, either from a song or just something that comes to mind. Usually it's very quiet, but she may get too into it and augment her volume. *When she forgets something she usually just goes along with it making up things as she goes. But if the person starts to catch on she will burst out laughing. *Her giggles are very child-like, maybe even sounding like a baby's laugh. But when she just can't hold it in she will burst out laughing causing herself to tear up, her laugh is very contagious. | [color=#F25DF4][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | *Going to the club. It should be obvious why this is her hobby, she loves the music, dancing, singing and just acting goofy without a care in a world. *Volunteering at shelters, elderly homes, etc. Her love for helping people is a huge part in her life. She tries to make some room in her schedule to volunteer anywhere in the area every other week. It's pretty implausible. *Adventure. Loving the outdoors, witnessing new things, traveling to different places, seeing new people and cultures. She loves everything about it. She feels suffocated and bored easily so it's best for her to get out and do something new. *Boxing and karate. She has had these hobbies since a young age, defense lessons and such. But found it enjoyable and stuck with it, it comes in handy when someone gets a bit too touchy or she's feeling heroic. | [color=#F25DF4][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Her fans, she will never stop talking about them in interviews and how much they mean to her. She knows it's incredibly cheesy but she doesn't care. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Animals. She loves all animals and is trying to shift herself into a vegetarian lifestyle. She's slowly getting there. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Summer. The heat, bugs, clothing lines and everything else that just screams summer. Growing up in the South she's used to all of the negatives of summertime, she still loves everything about it. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Sweets, candies and foods. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Music, more specific Funk, Pop, Disco, anything that will get her body moving. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Action packed movies. If they're also comdeies she is a very happy camper. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Cartoons. She finds them very entertaining especially if it has a nice art style and good script writing. She always wanted to voice for a cartoon. | [color=#F25DF4][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Celebrities that feel like they're God-like and don't understand that they're being a huge cunt. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Jokes on her height. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] When someone messes with her hair. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] During a performance she hates it when someone keeps messing up their steps or their vocals. She will give them three chances to fix their problem, but if they can't get it the third time they're out. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] People telling her that going vegetarian is a dumb idea and basically pressuring her to eat foods that she refuses to eat. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Pessimistic people. They just mess up her groove. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Being told what to do. Unless it's for her occupations then she's perfectly fine with taking orders. | [color=#F25DF4][b]Fears[/b][/color] | ~Needles. ~Losing her positivity and only thinking about the worse, resulting in her being too depressed to work. ~No one being there to support her. [hr][center][img]http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgq9526qUw1qz5wa0o1_400.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/78d34c426e57dbb9faf3c97d01a5fa1c/tumblr_nseyhmSDnP1u7na33o8_500.gif[/img][/center][hr] | [color=#F25DF4][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | -Adventurous -Confident -Independent -Bubbly -Caring/Kind -Childish -Out spoken -Over thinks -Naive -Talkative | [color=#F25DF4][b]Personality[/b][/color] | The life of any room she enters, her simple "Hello everyone!" can brighten up anyone's day. Always happy and energetic, ready to get things done and then do something to occupy herself. It's as if she doesn't have a relax button or a turn off switch. Her sociable nature is a great trait in parties and even auditions, making conversations with the other actors and even the one's who determine who gets the role. Even if she doesn't know you and just notices you're down in the dumps, she will try her very best to cheer you up and encourage you to keep going. Her motivational speeches and warm hugs are her specialty. People feel comfortable around her and they know they can always go to her to speak their mind. She doesn't like depending on others to fix her problems or when she's in a tough spot. Figuring out her own solutions makes her feel empowered, but if she can't solve it she'll give up in defeat and stay in a grumpy mood for the rest of the day. She shows confidence in herself and her skills, even around professionals she shows that she's not insecure, making her stance, speech, and appearance show she means business. However if no one is there to reassure her and tell her she got's this, she will crumble and be distressed. Support is a huge aspect in Zahra's life. Zay is not afraid to speak out and say when something is out of whack, or if she just doesn't like something. But her excessive talking and complaints can be annoying. Other personality traits that are irritating to most is how childish and naive she is, when she's playing games and playing hide & seek it can be very distracting and unprofessional. | [color=#F25DF4][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Nashville, Tennessee. Moved to Atlanta, Georgia. | [color=#F25DF4][b]Family[/b][/color] | [b]Mother[/b], Natasha Heaven-Boulevard. Actress and well-known model [b]Father[/b], Michael-Jefferson Heaven. Retired Jazz player and singer. [b]Step-Father[/b], Alexander Boulevard. Famous movie director. [b]Older Brother[/b], Daniel Heaven. Aspiring model and dancer. [b]Older Sister[/b], Sophie Heaven. Singer and guitar player. | [color=#F25DF4][b]History[/b][/color] | Zahra was born in a tiny hut of a home in the ghettos of Nashville, Tennessee. Both of her parents had older siblings at young ages, her mother being twenty one and her father twenty three. They couldn't afford raising children but couldn't put them up for adoption. Michael only performed in local cafes and diners, which gave him low pay for ridiculous hours. Natasha stayed at home and auditioned for acting gigs in the area but couldn't win a single part. Then they had Zahra, a beautiful baby born at the worst of times. Her father took all responsibility of conceiving her, so he said to the public. Zahra doesn't remember anything from this time, but her mother confessed later that before her father walked out he would beat Natasha and verbally abuse her. He even beat on Sophie and Daniel, telling them they they should've never been born and they're just more mouths to feed. Sadly, once he walked out and her mother tried to put him into jail, no one believed her. Her bruises and scars meant nothing except she was clumsy and an air-head. Word started to spread about the family and how they wanted to ruin the career of an aspiring musician, just because the mother is a gold digging sly whore. They moved out of the state and began living with their aunt and cousins in Atlanta,Georgia. Zahra grew up ignorant about her father, she was still a happy child who had interest in everything and anything about theater and music. She joined theater club and chorus throughout her public school years, always striving to be the center of attention. Her mother ventured off in her acting career and met the true love of her life, Alexander Boulevard. He is a great step-father to the children and raised them up as if they were his own. In middle school Zahra joined a dance and step team, her love for dancing started to manifest. Her family moved out of their family member's apartment complex and bought a beautiful house in a remote and friendly neighborhood. Everyone was happy, everyone felt secure and safe. Moving onto high school Zahra was extremely popular because of her few talents, her mother being an actress, and her step-father being a movie director who participated in famous movies. But people started to become jealous and began to leave her side, giving her no support and only hate filled comments. She became depressed and told no one about her embarrassing scenarios at school, this lasted for a couple of months. Then a day she will never let escape her mind, a sunny, warm day during the spring time. It was the day of Zahra's singing performance and when she started to sing a group of seniors made a row in front of the stage, water guns crossed over their chest's. They yelled "Fire!" and streams of syrup, vinegar and water gushed onto Zahra. She ran home crying, no, bawling her eyes out as she searched for her parents to speak to. After finding them she spat and stuttered about what happened and they were infuriated. Calling the school and telling them this outrageous stunt, the students were expelled. Natasha told Zahra that she is a talented, gorgeous, remarkable young woman and those students were just bullies who wished they were the same. She told her about her father and what he did to the family, but it didn't stop her from finding a career. Her step-father even joined in telling her these obstacles are nothing but...obstacles that you need to leap over. Zay's whole mind set changed, she could see all her opportunities and continued to do what she loved. She ended high school with a huge reputation for her positive vibes and exceptional talents. She took the world by storm taking any gig she could get her hands on and auditioning whenever she could, landing herself a music production contract, a few leading roles in television shows and multiple supporting roles. [hr][center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/WUHvHQFlE514c/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr] | [color=#F25DF4][b]Extra[/b][/color] | *She can speak French and Spanish almost fluently, her Portuguese is a bit rusty. When I was describing her in depth appearance and I used 'assets' I couldn't stop giggling because I'm an immature baby. Rami Malek by far, I just love him he's amazing. [/hider] [@HushedWhispers] Hopefully I'm not too late?