[center][h3][color=silver]Vivian "Silver Curse" Adler[/color][/h3][@Archmage MC][/center][hr][hr]It had been strange enough to Vivian that the little white freak had clapped for her. She had pretended not to notice, instead watching the rest of the talents be demonstrated. The soldier was the typical soldier--but impressive, nonetheless. She couldn't help but wonder what missions he'd served on. And of course, whether or not he was actually fighting for good. In her opinion, most soldiers were villains waiting to happen. Vigilantes, bound to become evil and corrupt. It would be only a matter of time, if it hadn't happened yet. Archer followed up again after him, receiving a small little chest piece. His powers now under control, he looked as happy as could be. [color=silver]"Teacher's pet,"[/color] Vivian smirked, whispering under the breath. The white girl was next, walking into the room quietly. Vivian sat back, prepared for her to begin drawing smiles on the walls, and preaching about how if everyone was nice to each other, no one would need to fight. Already, Vivian was rolling her eyes-- and the girl hadn't done anything yet! The girl ripped her own arm off, and Vivian's mouth opened slightly, before twisting into a grin. [color=silver]"That...That is fucking cool"[/color] Vivian chuckled. She watched eagerly as the girl threw her arm and destroyed the dummy with ease, and then, regrew the arm. It reminded her of a smartass she had seen at the movies a few years ago, able to regrow his hand and regenerate from just about [i]anything[/i]. Perhaps the little twerp wasn't that bad. Vivian had started to warm up to the kid, only to be pulled into a fierce, one armed hug. [color=silver]"For fuck's sake!"[/color] Vivian cursed, stiffening as if she had been punched. [color=silver]"Can't I get some goddamn personal space around here? What is this, communism, now?!"[/color] Vivian would have gotten up and sat somewhere else, had there been any empty seats left. Instead, she glared at the training room, wishing that she could burn a whole through it, set off the fire alarm, and escaped. This place was worse than hell -- heck, this place was worse than when she had to go to church with her nanny! [color=silver]"Sick of this shit already,"[/color] Vivian mumbled, closing her eyes and trying to imagine that she was anywhere [i]but[/i] here. Though, she supposed, it couldn't get much worse... It wasn't like they were all going to wear matching costumes, right? And eventually, she'd be able to leave this place. She'd go to England, get in with a new gang, and go back to doing what she did best: armed robbery. She grinned a bit, fondly remembering the break-in that had made her name. On the security camera, they had caught footage of her, swearing under her breath as she stole Hope Diamond. Her hair had looked silver on the screen, and so, they had jokingly called her the Silver Curse. The name stuck. Only, now, of course, most people assumed that the curse had to do with her rage and hatred and thirst for revenge--not a swearing habit.