Now that sounds like a weekend to be had. Honestly, what I wouldn't give to bum out on the couch, with a beer and my TV remote control. No having to get up every 5 minutes to deal with this, that, or the other. That's bliss. That's heaven. When I die, that's what I'm getting. A beer, a tv remote, and a comfortable couch. Into the Marines? That's not a bad idea. My uncle was in the Marines, and he was a pretty successful individual. Though, that's not always the case, because I know a bunch of people who aren't. I can see Danny's manipulation. I can see him trying to, at first covertly, ruin things, only to grow more bold and aggressive as his attempts fail. It would make me wonder if there were a history of this, maybe something Alexia doesn't know. I can't imagine this to be the first time it's happened (or maybe it is, who knows). I don't know, I get this sense that Cadian and Danny are on track to end up standing in an alleyway, in the rain, with Cadian held up at gunpoint, and Danny monologuing about how Alexia belongs to him. -lol- Pretty awesome stuff. My agenda today is to get a post for you, as well as work on that character sheet I was talking about. Hopefully my day remains light as I believe it's going to be.