[h3]Amelia Brinks[/h3][i][u]Location: Saturn Prison[/u][/i][hr]If he didn't know that she was being help captive already, Dr. David Peterson would know immediately upon entering the 200 meter danger zone surrounding her cell. He would know this, of course, because whether he wanted it to or not, his mind would brush against her own. [i][/i] Amelia transmits apathetically from her full-body restraints. [i][/i] With that warning hanging in the air, the young telepath relaxes. She could tell by the ambient thoughts of those around her that this was a rescue of some sort. Her old self would probably rage impatiently, struggling uselessly against her bindings in an attempt to get out first and take revenge on everyone who put her in here. But not this time. Calming her rage, she lets her thoughts enter into the serene state she had grown used to, cooped up in this prison cell nobody to keep her company besides her own thoughts. She had long since ceased trying to contact the mindless bodies used to tend to her needs and guard her cell. No matter what she said, they didn't seem to listen. Sometimes, she even had trouble telling exactly where they were. Quite a lot of effort just to stop her from spying on them. She can feel the doctor approaching. Her time is soon. With the sound of electronic locks releasing and air being sucked out of her small cell, Amelia raises her head to look vaguely in the direction of the man who had given her another chance at escape. A chance which she would take gladly. After repeating the warning about touching her mind to the doctor, she wraps a few scraps of cloth from her restraints around herself to preserve at least some of her modesty, before following along with whatever David had planned. She didn't care about all of this hero bullshit, but she wasn't about to go staring charity in the mouth. When you've lived on the streets for a few hundred years, you learn to take what's given to you. [u][i]Location: The Mansion[/i][/u][hr] To say that Amelia was the brooding loner of the group would not be inaccurate. Throughout the entirety of the flight, she said nothing, instead silently chewing on the end of a toothpick she had scavenged on the way there, covering herself with a spare flight jacket she had found under one of the seats. Now that she was at the mansion, without so much as a word towards her fellow group members or apparent host, she wastes no time going off on her own to sort her personal needs out before bothering to consider the needs of others. She steals some clothes, washes her face and other areas, steals six pencils and a box of paperclips and then heads to sit in the corner of the main hall. When it was time for people to test their abilities, she stays in the adjacent room, silently listening to proceedings from the sidelines. This is where she belonged. She wasn't a hero, no more than any of these showoffs. Her eye twitches a little as she vaguely senses the intentions of their brave host, inviting her to come and show her abilities off next. Loudly, so that the entire group in the room could hear her response, Amelia answers [i][/i] She smiles, just a little, at the irony of her response. In responding at all, she was in a sense showcasing her own abilities even through her refusal to cooperate with the demonstration. Either way, the entire group would now be aware that she was a telepath of some sort. The only reason she chose to reveal this was because it gave no actual hint to her full capabilities. It was, in a way, a very carefully calculated bluff. Hopefully David wouldn't try and force her to showcase her abilities further, or participate in their little group bonding exercises. She was already humouring him enough simply by remaining at the mansion. A girl can only take so much stupidity before she cracks.