[@FantasyChic] - Me and DJ are working on things with the Reactor, I would love to include you in our discussion and such that we're doing. Maybe it'll help with getting back in touch with Serenity? Now the question remains, what causes Mags to retreat? Considering her current state, she's near the point in where attempting to calm her down will be utterly pointless. I'll say in this, the only way to bring Mags to her senses, and to leave, is to make the connection that she was once apart of Oakridge, that she's a Guardian and bring her to remember what she once was - sort of bringing enough clarity to her mind that she forces herself to retreat less she kills them. The only other opportunity to calm her down or shock her into retreat would be to bring up Monika, but there's not enough evidence to make the connection that this is Monika's mother at the point in time. Not without a name and some such. So Subira, being the diplomat, brings the Guardians to calm down and her words effect Magdalena who experiences a brief struggle of her consciousness mind and spirits and leaves in a terrible fit and rage and the Guardians carry on from there to do whatever they desire with the Eidolon?