[@HushedWhispers] What's this? A completed CS? :OOOOOOO [hider=Seth Hayes][center][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Seth%20Hayes&name=Colors%20Of%20Autumn.ttf&size=100&style_color=EDE297[/img][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/lHmNAQ5.png[/img] [sub][color=#ece198][b]{[/b][/color]“[i]Please, I’m anything but modest.[/i]”[color=#ece198][b]}[/b][/color] [color=#ece198]—[/color] [color=#98eeed][b][i]Himself[/i][/b][/color][/sub] [color=#ece198]— S[/color][color=#98eeed]eth[/color] [color=#ece198]J[/color][color=#98eeed]ames[/color] [color=#ece198]H[/color][color=#98eeed]ayes[/color] [color=#ece198]—[/color] [sup][color=#ece198][[/color] [color=#98eeed]“[/color][color=#ece198]Seth[/color][color=#98eeed]” —[/color] [color=#98eeed]Who doesn’t like to speak less? This name was donned when his fans started calling him Seth, instead of just his full name, and it actually became his official “stage name”. Since 2012, this has been how the world has heard of Seth Hayes.[/color] [color=#ece198]|[/color] [color=#98eeed]“[color=#ece198]The Face of New Rock[/color]” — A rather over exaggeration on the tabloids’ behalf, in Seth’s opinion. A fair amount of news websites and magazines claimed he reshaped the genre of rock, creating his own unique style with it. He’s secretly rather modest about it, but to the public he’s accepted his nickname.[/color] [color=#ece198]][/color][/sup] [color=#98eeed]september 16th, 1994[/color] [color=#ece198]//[/color] [color=#98eeed]twenty–two[/color] [color=#ece198]//[/color] [color=#98eeed]heterosexual[/color] [color=#ece198]//[/color] [color=98eeed]male[/color][hr][sub][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“I still love the way you hurt me…”[/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sub][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/996b597ce98ba1eec951102bf197b0af/tumblr_nyakpnRe7l1uismkio2_400.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/4b0901d54a9f550bd888f9654b502db2/tumblr_nyakpnRe7l1uismkio4_400.gif[/img][hr][sup][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“It’s irresistible!”[/color] [color=#ece198][b]{[/b][/color][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNkivNlkjj8][color=#98eeed]Irresistible — Fall Out Boy[/color][/url][color=#ece198][b]}[/b][/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sup][hr][/center] [color=#ece198][sub]// R E L A T I O N S H I P [sup][sub]x[/sub][/sup] S T A T U S. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed][i]Unknown[/i][color=#ece198]—[/color] Seth enjoys to confuse the media, and light them ablaze with speculation and rumours. As already stated, his relationship status is unknown, the media snapping pics of him with one girl one day, and another the next. Not even his closest friends know who Seth is dating, and he likes to keep it that way. It is suggested that he remains in a solid relationship, and is evidenced further by his lack of drug use and a criminal record, unlike other rockstars before him, but for now the mystery remains at a standstill.[/color] [color=#ece198][sub]// P R O F E S S I O N. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed][i]Rockstar[/i][color=#ece198]—[/color] Seth prides himself in his lyrical and instrumental talent, able to play both the guitar and drums, as well as sing his own songs, and even write a few. This guy would still be able to get by if he were just an independent YouTube channel, in all honesty. But, destiny calls, and you can’t go wrong with some help, can ya?[/color] [color=#ece198][sub]// I N – D E P T H [sup][sub]x[/sub][/sup] A P P E A R A N C E. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed]What [i]doesn’t[/i] the picture show? Seth’s body is a sexy combination of flawless skin, impressive tattoos, and amazing hair that continues to astound his fans. One of the first things you’ll probably notice about him is his earrings – two medium-sized, black loops in each ear lobe. It’s still a mystery – like most things about him are – as to where he got them, or even when, and something that fans have made many speculations about, for some odd reason. Another thing that fans speculate (and some fangirl over) is Seth’s stage presence – it changes in accordance to the song he’s playing, due to the evident difference in lyrics and atmospheric feeling. For the brief period of time in which he did much darker rock in comparison to his current style, his presence was rather eerie and boisterous, and this has been donned Sexy!Seth by the internet. After that, he stuck to rock, but made it more upbeat and less heavy metal. This caused his stage presence to become upbeat itself, with him encouraging the audience to sing along and jumping up and down. His music videos also reflect this, and there’s been a lot of comparison videos including both Sexy!Seth and his new stage presence. Now, back to basics – Seth’s preferred clothing for performances and music videos is black attire; black jackets, jeans, shirts, etc. However, when out in public, his array becomes a lot more casual and bright, and he wears the regular clothing any other person would. Not even top brands, either. If it weren’t for his easily distinguishable voice and personality, he probably wouldn’t be recognised. That, and his hair. Speaking of Seth’s hair, the reason it bewilders his fans is one thing – it’s constantly changing. When he originally started singing, it was rather shaggy and long, like a teen punk star. Now it’s been cut, grown out a little more, and been cut again. His current hairstyle is rather punk bachelor-esque, swept over yet still managing to find its’ way over his eye a couple of times. Not only that, but it can almost certainly defy gravity – no amount of headbanging can make it look any untidier than “a little scruffy”. This tends to make people very envious, causing social media to explode with questions as to where he gets his hair products from, and who his stylist is. One fan even went so far as to send a very long, comedic letter, of which included a paragraph dedicated to how sexy his hair actually was. Luckily for the fan, Seth can be funny as well as arrogant, and sent them an equally comedic letter back. This included a quote which was a mini-meme for a while: “I despair as I spend weeks, months, even, begging Tracy (my stylist) to tell me where the products come from. Still, she persists, and I scowl at her cruel, scandalous ways. Why the tabloids haven’t done a story on this, yet, I have no idea”. It was even changed up a little bit when Ellen paraphrased it on her show, telling the story of how she had no idea what the special sauce was in her burger.[/color][center][hr][sub][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“Remember love, remember hate;”[/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sub][hr][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/9e91fdad10313afd560eb0449217eb29/tumblr_o3c6okpdjF1r16o45o1_500.gif[/img][hr][sup][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“Remember everything they said just to break you again.”[/color] [color=#ece198][b]{[/b][/color][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNH3UVpYSSs][color=#98eeed]Leave It All Behind — Cult To Follow[/color][/url][color=#ece198][b]}[/b][/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sup][hr][/center] [sub][color=#ece198]// H A B I T S[/color] [color=#98eeed]|[/color] [color=#ece198]Q U I R K S[/color] [color=#98eeed]|[/color] [color=#ece198]O D D I T I E S. //[/color][/sub] [color=#ece198]♕-[/color] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/90/04/54/900454d11771883e64506665bae77705.jpg][color=#98eeed]Tattoo[/color][/url] [color=#98eeed]on his right shoulder. [sup](hover over “tattoo” for link)[/sup] [color=#ece198]♕-[/color] His fingers occasionally twitch, as though he’s playing an invisible guitar. A reporter picked up on it in an interview, but Seth passed it off as leftover adrenaline from his show the previous night. [color=#ece198]♕-[/color] When unable to remember something, he’ll mutter every curse under the sun. His favourite seems to be “uh, fucking, thingy”, especially on live interviews. [color=#ece198]♕-[/color] Seth’s eyes will constantly scan a room if he’s in a casual conversation. Nobody’s exactly sure of what he does when his eyes wander away (hell, not even he knows), it just happens. [color=#ece198]♕-[/color] He can suddenly forget what he’s doing, or even where he is sometimes. Once, he was asked to go to the kitchen to grab a drink, and returned from the bathroom empty-handed. It’s a common habit of his.[/color] [color=#ece198][sub]// L I K E S. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed][color=#0c8f00]✔-[/color] Rock music, of course. [color=#0c8f00]✔-[/color] Writing his songs; he once said in an interview that he loves to consider different lyrics, and what they could possibly mean. It seems to be a rather fun experience for him. [color=#0c8f00]✔-[/color] Meeting his fans; even if he’s arrogant (in the eyes of the media, at least), he enjoys connecting with the various people that enjoy his music, and is surprised at the variety of ages, ethnicities, and even the ratio of girls to boys. [color=#0c8f00]✔-[/color] His performances; they do, indeed, give him an adrenaline rush, and he loves to do what he does best. Just being able to see the amount of fans he’s gained in six years is an amazing experience. [color=#0c8f00]✔-[/color] Hanging out with his friends; the conceited, arrogant Seth the media sees is completely unlike what he’s like around friends. Honestly, despite his love for his career, he sometimes finds himself wishing he could just be a normal person, having a beer with his friends. [color=#0c8f00]✔-[/color] Relaxing; yeah, the adrenaline rushes are great, and all, but after a long-ass tour, there’s nothing better than having a good relax. Jetlag’s a real sucker. [color=#0c8f00]✔-[/color] Fucking with the media; that’s right, “bad boy Seth” still has a mischievous streak, even if he isn’t a prick in person. Seth enjoys nothing better than spreading rumours and speculation. He describes the media as “headless chickens, hunting for attention”, going as far as to walk out on an interview one time, simply because the reporter was pushing him to reveal if he has a girlfriend.[/color] [color=#ece198][sub]// D I S L I K E S. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed][color=#8f0000]✘-[/color] The media; as stated before, Seth enjoys fucking with the media, but not just for fun. The reason behind it is that the media once went all out, and several articles were published on Seth, and his relationship with his late father. It was then that a rumour struck up, which (luckily) quickly died down – did Seth kill his dad? From then on, he swore to fuck with them in every way possible. [color=#8f0000]✘-[/color] Egotistic people; that’s right, you heard it here first – Seth Haynes hates egotists! He believes that, yeah, you can be confident about yourself, but flaunting it in other people’s faces isn’t right. There’s people out there with unfortunate things happening to them, and you need to respect that. [color=#8f0000]✘-[/color] Extravagant alcohol; if there’s one thing Seth absolutely [i]hates[/i], it’s fancy dancy wines and champagnes. Beer is, and always will be, the man’s go-to drink. Nobody needs to put a cherry in it for him to like it. [color=#8f0000]✘-[/color] Parodies of his songs; cover’s he’s fine with, so long as he gets the credit and the singer isn’t a piece of shit, but parodies of his songs take it too far. The lyrical meanings behind a lot of his songs are incredibly deep for rock songs, and people changing them for comedic intent? Too far. [color=#8f0000]✘-[/color] Donald Trump; the presidential candidate coming out on top with the most votes so far is one racist, egotistic, and sexist prick, and Seth wants the world to know about it. The two once had an argument on Twitter, for all the world to see, and that, too, has become a popular meme. [color=#8f0000]✘-[/color] People who can’t take a joke; despite him being a rather courteous and sensitive soul in person, Seth still at least knows what a [i]joke[/i] is. Posting Justin’s Bieber’s “Sorry” on Donald Trump’s wall and then being instantly ignored? That’s just stupid. Right, guys? [color=#8f0000]✘-[/color] People trying to flirt with him; even though the media doesn’t know it, yet (an impressive achievement on his behalf, by the way), Seth does have a girlfriend. This means that if someone is trying to flirt with him? Fuck no. He will not go around sleeping with every girl under the sun just so he can keep his actual girlfriend secret.[/color][center][hr][sub][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“I kick the ceiling, what you gonna say?”[/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sub][hr][img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/026991ef7cf9ecd158964203b7130184/5wbgwen/lbCnymhyq/tumblr_static_filename_640_v2.gif[/img][hr][sup][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“No one can be just like me, anyway!”[/color] [color=#ece198][b]{[/b][/color][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWU3CotSYpE][color=#98eeed]Just Like Fire — Pink[/color][/url][color=#ece198][b]}[/b][/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sup][hr][/center] [color=#ece198][sub]// F E A R S. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed][color=#00093f]☠-[/color] Losing his musical talent; being unable to make music is one of Seth’s worst fears, so if he were to become crippled (or even lose his voice), it would be a disaster. Music is just about the only form of media he can really express his passion through, and if that were taken away from him, he’d have nothing. [color=#00093f]☠-[/color] Losing his friends; another one of his passions, Seth’s friends mean the world to him. If he were to lose any of them, even if it were just losing contact with them, he’d be completely devastated. They’re his inspiration, aside from his family, and they, quite frankly, keep him sane. It’s a hard world, the rock business. [color=#00093f]☠-[/color] The media; despite his hatred for them, Seth has a rather powerful fear of them, too. There have been too many close shaves with them spreading rumours, which have almost put an end to his career. This makes him very weary of them, but he still fucks with them, anyway.[/color] [color=#ece198][sub]// P E R S O N A L I T Y [sup][sub]x[/sub][/sup] T R A I T S. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed][color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Stubborn[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=#007236]Ambitious[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=#9e0b0f]Arrogant[/color] (at least to the media) [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=slategray]Sensitive[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=#007236]Enthusiastic[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=#007236]Empathetic[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=slategray]Deep[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=#9e0b0f]Slightly Egotistical[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=#007236]Excitable[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=#007236]Passionate[/color] [color=#ffffff]♦-[/color] [color=#9e0b0f]Judgemental[/color] (occasionally)[/color] [color=#ece198][sub]// P E R S O N A L I T Y. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed]If the above isn’t enough to go by; Seth is a complex mixture of emotions, that make him both a good and bad person, sometimes at the same time. His faux layer of your typical arrogant rockstar is only seen through by those closest to him – his friends and family. When you peek behind the curtain of fame, he’s just about the opposite to most of your big-headed celebrities. You’d think he were any other, normal person, with his kind, sensitive nature, and expression of pure empathy. He knows when to be in a joking mood, and he knows when to offer a shoulder to cry on. He can get a little egotistic about it sometimes, considering himself the “best friend in the group”, but, in the end, he’ll always let his colours shine through for his friends. Sometimes, a bit of his arrogant side can slip through when he’s around said friends, but they know he means well, no matter what bone-headed things he can say and do. However, with his friends, he can also open up and be quite expressive of his feelings. The rock business took a large toll on him when he first started, which thus provoked the Crying Fest of ’10, which is still something occasionally talked about amongst the group today. Seth doesn’t really know what provokes this passion about his feelings, and he swears to God that he [i]doesn’t[/i] like helping people, but everyone knows he does. In short, he’s a big deal on TV and media, but when around his friends he turns into a puppy trying to act tough and hard. It’s rather hilarious, actually, but the group can get some good times out of it. That’s actually the best part about it – Seth enjoys having a laugh with them and putting a smile on their faces, and he vows to stab a bitch if anyone starts on any of them.[/color][center][hr][sub][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“If I was you,”[/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sub][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/e30cac9f91e87448181129ad37838a9c/tumblr_nwdgeddQhR1uismkio2_400.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/b4abf6cf7868f57a1eefdcb883cce885/tumblr_nwdgeddQhR1uismkio3_400.gif[/img][hr][sup][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“I’d wanna be me, too.”[/color] [color=#ece198][b]{[/b][/color][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDRORgoZxZU][color=#98eeed]Me Too — Meghan Trainor[/color][/url][color=#ece198][b]}[/b][/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sup][hr][/center] [color=#ece198][sub]// P L A C E [sup][sub]x[/sub][/sup] O F [sup][sub]x[/sub][/sup] O R I G I N. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed]Orlando, Florida[/color] [color=#ece198][sub]// F A M I L Y. //[/sub][/color] [color=#ece198]{ [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lugnb73tSn1qadupho1_500.gif][color=#98eeed]Carla Hayes[/color][/url] } —[/color] [color=#98eeed][b]mother.[/b] [color=#ece198]//[/color] forty–two. [color=#ece198]//[/color] actress. [color=#ece198]//[/color] [i]alive.[/i] [indent][sup]“Mom’s great. She’s supported me throughout my career. Sometimes I think she’s the only one who’s believed in me, other than my friends.”[/sup][/indent][/color] [color=#ece198]{ [url=http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5vd0u3Ue31rqlfp9.gif][color=#98eeed]David Hayes[/color][/url] } —[/color] [color=#98eeed][b]father.[/b] [color=#ece198]//[/color] forty–five. [color=#ece198]//[/color] director. [color=#ece198]//[/color] [i]deceased.[/i] [indent][sup]“I miss dad, I really do. What I do, I do in honour of him.”[/sup][/indent][/color] [color=#ece198]{ [url=https://em.wattpad.com/1f09055a9cee4bf4238ba51f06fb0f3bbcda5de3/687474703a2f2f33332e6d656469612e74756d626c722e636f6d2f64616237303737326261643334353666333032623661316661626265383833642f74756d626c725f6e31683366346f656c7131716436326b696f315f3530302e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80][color=#98eeed]Callum Hayes[/color][/url] } —[/color] [color=#98eeed][b]brother.[/b] [color=#ece198]//[/color] twenty–three. [color=#ece198]//[/color] actor. [color=#ece198]//[/color] [i]alive[/i] [indent][sup]“He’s kind of an ass, but he’s my brother, so hey. People keep saying we look similar, but I don’t see it.”[/sup][/indent][/color] [color=#ece198][sub]// H I S T O R Y. //[/sub][/color] [color=#98eeed]Seth was never meant to be a rockstar, or even a famous one, at that. Instead, he was raised like his brother – to be an actor. When he was around 7, he starred in an old family sitcom alongside his older brother, but it never took off and was cancelled after fifteen episodes. His parents convinced him to try again; that the first time isn’t always a success, but Seth didn’t want to act. He never did. Instead, he found himself fascinated by the many genres of music, the way the lyrics related with each other (at least, back then they did), and the rhythm of the instruments. It bewildered him, and he instantly fell in love. A few years later, when he started school, he joined the choir, but was shot down by his music teacher, and told that he couldn’t sing properly. Distraught, the boy instantly told his parents about the whole ordeal after school. The two had always dreamed of being a family solely of actors and actresses, or at least jobs related to the business, but they understood Seth’s decision, and respected it. With that, they paid for him to take voice coaching, and he was the happiest boy alive. This spawned a whole childhood of happy memories, and he took to the stage, performing in West End musicals and singing for commercials alike. It was such an amazing experience to express all his passion through this amazing form of media, and it wasn’t long before he started creating his own songs, his mind weaving lyrical tapestries. These were shed light on via his parents recording him singing and posting it on their social media accounts. The young Seth was loved and adored by all, and as he grew, so did his talent. Before he knew it, he was singing soundtracks for movies and making appearances on shows. Then, the most unexpected, amazing thing happened, when he was just sixteen. His music style started out as your typical, young pop style, and stayed like that for around two years. However, when he was eighteen, his style changed, and he reformed rock in his very hands, creating the style he creates and sings in the present. Some would say he was a rather pampered boy, and they were right. At least, for a while they were. But, as with everyone, there comes a moment in our lives when it doesn’t seem like it can get any worse. For Seth, this came in the form of the death of his father. They don’t know how it happened, or even why, it just did. The news came barrelling into the poor man, hitting him in the gut and leaving him breathless. The police found David’s body in the suburbs of New York, after having gone there to help shoot scenes for his new movie. They did investigate into his death, but they found nothing. The killer disappeared without a trace, and David’s death still remains unsolved to this day. And, as if life couldn’t get any worse, the media decided to speak up, their poisoned tongues spewing lies and deceit, trying to pin everything on Seth, as if he organised the whole murder. Seth felt like giving up, but he knew he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t let the media win, and he couldn’t just put his life on hold because his father died. So, he went on a short, two–week hiatus, before coming back with a bang. His remaining pain and anguish was channelled into his songs, creating something nobody had ever seen from Seth before. Maybe that’s how he got so successful afterwards? Who knows, who cares? All that matters is he is where he is, and he’s damn proud.[/color][center][hr][sub][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“Hey, we’re takin’ our crown, we’re takin’ it now, yeah,”[/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sub][hr][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/1b619af0642e16380ee83f99851b288d/tumblr_nshlsvvMSQ1rrxarpo6_500.gif[/img][hr][sup][color=#ffd700]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]“Hey, we’ll never look back – we’re uncontainable!”[/color] [color=#ece198][b]{[/b][/color][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usUuYJ_bS0M][color=#98eeed]Uncontainable — Set It Off[/color][/url][color=#ece198][b]}[/b][/color] [color=#ffd700]-♕[/color][/sup][hr][/center] [color=#ece198][sub]// E X T R A. //[/sub][/color] [color=#ece198]♕-[/color] [color=#98eeed]Jensen Ackles <3[/color][/hider]