Preview is your friend for sure, it usually shows were the break is at through your formatting, well sometimes, my advice would be to separate your tags into categories [be careful not to use too many, it'll break too], if it helps you to keep track of which is which, it becomes tedious work if you have a lot to work with, but it could assist in practice until you're more comfortable with your formatting. Otherwise you just have to remember to keep your tags aligned like: [code][sub][color][h3] content [/h3][/color][/sub][/code] < - sub tags on the outside, colour next, and then your header, it's basically whatever order your tags are before your edited content, make sure it's basically [i]reversed after[/i] your content so that it matches up like so. That's what it means by misaligned. Otherwise, practice practice practice. Another spiff of advice is to basically look at the Raw of a sheet and go from there if you need a basis to go from.