[h3][color=palegreen]Heather[/color][/h3] As with the others Heather was approached by Dr. David Peterson in her cell. In order to control her powers she was isolated from all technology except for a simple computer used to house her consciousness. It had no moving parts and had a camera, microphone, and a set of speakers for communication. That doesn't mean that they didn't run experiments though. Having been locked up for most of a year she had agreed to assist with projects. In particular her existing in a completely digital form meant she could get up close and personal with coding. As new computer viruses were made the computer she was in was infected and she would crush them, providing solutions to combat them extremely quickly. So while unable to move or do much she'd already shown a willingness to cooperate. That was perhaps part of the reason she was selected. Being able to escape to the Internet meant that once she was let free from the confines of this room she could disappear. Of course the woman had a genuine mind to turn over a new leaf. She had already tried the villain motif and did not find satisfaction. David's conversation with her was probably different though. Because unlike the other Gifted, Heather did not have a biological mind to read. It was probably the most normal conversation he had in some time, not knowing what the other would say. And thus she was put on the jet with the others. The other Gifted wouldn't know that though because she had no body so to everyone else the computer brought onboard was just a piece of equipment. Her previous body she had to abandon and, as was her method of keeping other's hands off her tech, it self destructed. So as part of the agreement she would be provided raw tech with which to construct a new body. While she provided a long list she sadly only received what they thought was the minimum for her to operate. [hr] Whist the others were testing out their powers the cyberkinetic busied herself making a new body aboard the jet. Her previous forms were decidedly less human and more functional. While she could just as easily do that again it felt a whole lot less... personable. If she wanted to be a hero then she should at the very least have a body that looked human like. There were a lot of features that she felt were unneeded though. The parts in the jet began to float around and blow apart into their base components. Bit by bit she rearranged the electronics and molded them to her needs. As the pieces came together the robotic form of a human began to take shape. Starting from scratch like this meant it took most of the early portion of the time but eventually it all came together. Uploading to her new body Heather came online and ran diagnostics. All systems checked green and she was ready to join the others. One of David's men greeted her as she exited the jet. "Glad you could join us, Ms. Tonbel. David is not here to introduce you but I can lead you to where several of the others are." Nodding the robotic woman followed the man to what was apparently the kitchen. While she had no need for food there was still the opportunity for interaction. Not that she particularly was keen on befriending everyone. However if they were going to work together it would be better to be on their good side. Stepping past her escort she spoke with a clearly [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEaY8One1zg]robotic voice[/url]. [color=palegreen]"Sorry for the delay. David didn't think it a good idea for me to introduce myself without looking a little more familiar."[/color] There was no real good way to break the awkward moment without it being more awkward. It was almost exhilarating to feel something other than stoic for a change though. The moment passed quickly and she advanced toward everyone. [color=palegreen]"I should probably introduce myself. My name is Heather Tonbel. I was captured about a year ago so I've been out of the public eye for a while."[/color]