[@HushedWhispers] Are you still accepting characters? I have a description ready below if you are. Very sorry if the formatting doesn't work out quite right - I'm pretty new here and fixing issues in the posts is not something I've learned yet. Thanks bunches! MK [hider=Mandie Swensen][ hr][ hr][center][h1][color=orangered]Mandie Swensen[/color][/h1][ hr][ hr] [IMG]http://www.onlygowns.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/curly_hair_cut.jpg[/IMG] [b]{[/b]"[i]He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b][i]Confucius[/i][/b][/center][ hr] | [color=orangered][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Amanda Julie Swensen | [color=orangered][b]Mandie[/b][/color] | Mandie is short for Amanda, a name she positively despises, as to her, it suggests someone stuck-up or prissy. Mandie suggest more modesty. | [color=orangered][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | 4/16/1995 | [color=orangered][b]Age[/b][/color] | 21 | [color=orangered][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | In a bad long-distance relationship | [color=orangered][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female | [color=orangered][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Firmly hetero | [color=orangered][b]Profession[/b][/color] | Mandie works as a writer for a small-town paper in New Mexico. Per her parents’ demands, she also models. | [color=orangered][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | One of Mandie’s highest priorities is modesty, and this reflects in her appearance. She has no tattoos or piercings at all, not even in her ears. Her curly hair is an undyed dark brown, and it reaches about a third down her back. The only alterations she makes to her appearance are colored contacts, which she uses to cover her dark brown eyes. When she speaks and interacts with people, she usually smiles a lot. It’s a broad, bold grin, and since she doesn’t like her teeth, she tends to cover her mouth with a hand when she smiles. She wears little makeup and tends to slightly overdress. On an everyday, casual basis, she’s usually wearing a patterned skirt of some kind, along with a blouse or sweater. | [color=orangered][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | She has a bad habit of biting her nails when she’s bored or stressed. She has a tendency to talk about work a little too much. She always keeps at least three ponytail holders on her wrists in case her hair gets out of control. She’s an early riser, but a terrible night owl. | [color=orangered][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | Mandie usually keeps a journal in her pocket, which she sketches and writes in. She knits in her free time. Although she can’t afford much more than a $100 digital camera, she enjoys photography. She also enjoys cooking and happily provides meals for the beach house’s residents. | [color=orangered][b]Likes[/b][/color] | * Indoors * Dogs * Orchestral and film-inspired music * Interviewing people (she enjoys seeing other perspectives) * Friendly debates * Historical films * Classy men * Home decorating * Orange | [color=orangered][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | * Her parents * Outdoors * Anything with more than four legs * Being bragged on * Promiscuous people * Dancing * Goth people * Lazy people * Being photographed * Alcohol | [color=orangered][b]Fears[/b][/color] | * Anything with more than four legs * Being molested (to the point where she will avoid men entirely at parties) * Losing her reputation | [color=orangered][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | * Prudish * Atheist * Mildly introverted * Morning person * Pessimistic * Naive * Dedicated * Perfectionist | [color=orangered][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Mandie is, first and foremost, not a celebrity. She will talk to them because she has to. She was born to two by fate. She will give her fellow celebrity residents a chance. But Mandie herself is completely and entirely not a celebrity. The only remaining celebrity activity she is willing to participate in is the beach house meetup and the occasional photo shoots she is required to participate in. Her parents wouldn’t let her skip, anyway. She does find pleasure with the others, though, since they understand the hardships and gains she’s had with her family. Still, her introverted and modest nature kicks in, and she finds it challenging to speak to the group at times, especially during parties. One of her greatest social challenges is a sudden change of plans, even if it’s something small like getting a spoon instead of a fork or going to a different restaurant than planned, because she’s not very adaptable. She doesn’t grow angry often, but when she becomes angry, it takes her a while to return to normal, and she doesn’t hide it well. She tends to hug the walls at large social events, and even at mealtimes, she’ll stay away from the others. Many people start out distant with others and then open up as time goes on. Mandie goes the other way. She is very friendly and open in the beginning, but as time goes by and her opinions of others evolve, she will cut off ties, suddenly stop talking, or grow very attached to a person. Opening up for her is a way of icebreaking, because it shows the innermost personality of another person, not just the superficial things like ‘favorite color’ or ‘career path.’ She is currently in a very rough long-distance relationship with a 22-year-old European. Although they connect on the superficial level, she feels that he cannot connect with her beyond that, and the distance makes things even tougher. Therefore, although she is in a relationship, she could find herself growing romantically interested in another person. | [color=orangered][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | New York City | [color=orangered][b]Family[/b][/color] | Julia McMillion-Swensen (famous Broadway actress, was featured in a Disney movie) Andrew Swensen (successful agent for models and stage actors) Kasey Swensen (movie makeup artist) | [color=orangered][b]History[/b][/color] | Mandie’s childhood, in short, is filled with plenty of disagreements about what she ought to be. Her fights with her parents began by the age of seven. Her mother had signed her up for acting and modeling lessons without her consent, resulting in a bitter, cutthroat argument that lasted an hour and ended in a relationship that remains tainted. Her father, being a successful agent, was fairly absent, but agreed with Mandie’s mother that she ought to follow in her mother’s footsteps. When asked about her parents or compared to them, she tends to become irritable, since she has little respect for them. On her 18th birthday, her bags were packed and car full of gas. When her parents left the house for work, she made the very long drive to a small town in New Mexico, where she resides today. She went to a community college, and because she was cut off from her parents’ financial support, she is drowning in student loans and living in a small apartment. Still, she has no desire to return to the life as a celebrity’s child. Instead, she prefers to carve her own path in life so her achievements are reached independently. She has a sister, Kasey, who does makeup for movies. The two are not closely in touch, but their relationship is an improvement to the one between Mandie and her parents. Kasey’s work kept her from joining Mandie at the beach house. | [color=orangered][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Her favorite food is tomato soup. Although she doesn’t have a favorite celebrity, she respects Idina Menzel. [/hider] [hider=Relationships][ hr][ hr][center][h1][color=orangered]Mandie Swensen[/color][/h1][ hr][ hr] | [color=cyan]Ellie Duke[/color] | “Meh. I can stand her, but her selfishness and prissiness damage her image. She just seems too undamaged - a perfect celebrity thrust into the spotlight before she could walk, made famous without having to lift a finger. Still, I’ll give her a chance.” | [color=forestgreen]Randall Johnson[/color] | “Wow, is this guy immature. His pranks mess up the flow of things, and it’s tough to relate to him. He’s friendly, sure, but he’s a bit too childish for my liking.” | [color=67d252]Addison Matthews[/color] | “Addie and I can connect over our jobs as models and our loves of sketching, which allows us to communicate on the surface level. Plus, the sarcasm allows for some humorous moments. I’m still reading her personality, but right now, we seem to get along.” | [color=lightsteelblue]Andrew Montenegro[/color] | “His non-committal habits (like leaving half-empty glasses everywhere and only answering with “maybe” to questions) drive me absolutely nuts, along with his love for nightlife. I’m also not too big a fan of sports. Still, we can connect through cooking, so I’ll call him an acquaintance. Plus, what a fun last name.” | [color=white]Yuri Tchaikovsky [/color] | “He’s admirable. His perfectionistic tendencies, attention to small details, love of dogs, and lack of ego all win my approval. He seems stoic, but something hints that he’s not the emotionless sociopath he presents himself as. I’m willing to invest the time to figure him out more.” | [color=white]Jer D'Cahors [/color] | "His music is incredible. His habits are unattractive. His personality is far too impulsive. And his haircut is ridiculous. I don’t care to know him too well.” | [color=990000]Lily Miller[/color] | "She’s tough and independent. Too bad she’s trashed herself up with hair dye and drugs. I would respect her more if she respected herself more.” | [color=f25df4]Zahra Heaven[/color] | "Her personality is bigger than most cities. I think I would like her more if she wasn’t just so overwhelming. She’s just so intensely positive and animated and a little childish, and I can’t understand her.” | [color=b85a35]Ashleigh Henderson[/color] | "This will come across pretty harshly, but can you say ‘spoiled white girl?’ She can cry on demand, she’s rather basic, and she’s a little too confident for my tastes. She makes a great celebrity, but rarely do I find good celebrities who are also good people, and I can’t see her being any different.” | [color=C6D490]Kit Parker[/color] | "He’s ruined himself. He’s constantly reaching into his pockets for cigarettes, he still skateboards like a 12-year-old, and he’s covered in tattoos. I appreciate that he’s making an effort to fix himself up, but I doubt he’ll change. People rarely do.” | [color=ece198]Seth Hayes[/color] | "He’s a typical rockstar. He plays with his fans and the media like they’re chess pieces, and it’s like his job is just a game to him and he’s not dealing with real people. I know I’m a little too serious about my job, but he’s far too lax about everything.” | [color=lavender]Mary Smith[/color] | "I respect her a lot. She’s down-to-earth and even though she’s up on a stage and in the spotlight a lot, it doesn’t seem like she lets it get to her head. She’s been through some hard stuff, but it doesn’t seem like she lets it get to her. Not sure I like her hair, though.” [/hider]