[center][h1]Light[/h1][/center] [color=lightblue]"Uh, guys... I've got food here. Lots of it."[/color] Light said, approaching the group of Gifted carrying the boxes of take out on one hand while eating a whole pepperoni pizza with the other, large bites taken out of it. It was around this time she noticed the new robot girl. Must've been someone David had just grabbed or something. [color=lightblue]"So, we got a new friend? You playing nice there Vivian?"[/color] Light said with a smile, putting down the boxes and patting Heather on the shoulder with a grin on her face. [color=lightblue]"Dunno if you or Mr. Cyborg over there eat, but if you do, I got a lot of good stuff. Much better than that prison food!"[/color] Light said with a chuckle, finishing off her pizza.