[@Disciple Cain] Kiarda seems like a great character and I'm looking forwards to seeing how you RP her. However, there are a few (small) things that I'm a little concerned about. The simple one is, I'm afraid undead can't travel outside of the Old Country - [quote] Undead can be killed, if the neck is fully broken and the head removed. [i]They will also be 'killed' if they leave the Old Country, as the curse that sustains them and gives them life does not reach any further than the country.[/i] [/quote] The other one is that, if she was fighting the Lich King while he had all his power, she must have been an impressive and skilled sorceress. I'd prefer the characters to all be of an equal, low level at the start, and so I'm a little worried that she might be a little overpowered at the start, especially compared to characters like dereken's. Maybe something happened to make her weaker and forget quite a few of her previous skills? If I've taken it the wrong way, let me know and I'd be more than happy to reconsider. I think Kiarda has the potential to be a little overpowered, but I'm sure you'll do great with her and not abuse her power as a character. And I'm really sorry about this, and I've written a lot but you shouldn't have to change too much with her. [@Azereiah] He seems very interesting, I'm almost scared to see how he interacts with everyone else! I think the same goes for you as Disciple about being aware not to make him too overpowered when facing enemies, but otherwise he's fine in that regard. If you want to find a picture then feel free, though don't feel it's absolutely necessary. Anyway, accepted - Go ahead and add him to the character tab. Great to have you on board!