It's time that I let this die, permanently. The Spirits Within was a nice idea in the beginning, but I've been beating a dead horse ever since. I need to let it go, try something else, or quit roleplaying altogether. In the past few days, I've discovered that I absolute despise this roleplay. I'm not going to blame anything or anyone. I just don't want to do this anymore. It stresses me out, makes me feel anxious, and a whole heap of other bad stuff, which I have no interest in dealing with. So, thanks to everyone who participated. Apologies to those that arrived late. Big thanks to [@Rockette] for being so much better than me at everything that has to do with roleplaying. This would've died much sooner if it wasn't for you. Lastly, anything you can find in this thread in terms of lore, ideas, or whatever, you are free to use for your own purposes.