[center] And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love. [/center] Yeah, I'm not running out of ideas either. The biggest problem I'm having is deciding which to implement when, because I'm excited about so many of them! I can't wait to get into the grit of it all. So far it's just character introductions... not much more than getting the feel of them, exploring a touch of the setting, but oh when they get going! I'm totally looking forward to adding Devin into the mix. He's going to be dangerous. It's been a rather uneventful morning thus far. I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee, and haven't managed to get much work done here. I'm glad you found some time to relax over the weekend, I'm envious of that. I get a lot of busy time, not so much down. I haven't been bowling in some time. I'm not very good at it. We went a few years ago, as a work group here at work. I got up, the first frame, threw a strike... then proceeded to stink from there. Like totally. I think I ended up with an 80 or so. Not my best showing. Coffee is the nectar of the gods... it's wonderful. But yeah, ideas... I have some. Fights between Cadian and Alexa, because getting along all the time is just boring, some outside interventions... I'm thinking Cadian's connection to Devin is financial, like Devin is going to be a financial investor to his rise in popularity. Cadian and Danny's obvious conflict over Alexa, however unintentional it maybe at first, I can see Cadian egging Danny on later on. But Devin's going to really spice things up. He's the criminal type. Like don't talk about him in the privacy of your own home, because he'll come to find out, and you'll end up swimming with the fish type. I'm thinking of, aside from the festivities of the Halloween party as we have them planned, running a second storyline during the party.. what happens in the house, and what happens in the basement. This man coming to greet his guests, dressed as a feudal lord, laughing and all boisterous.. then going downstairs during the party to 'deal with business'. then back up to the party, wiping blood off his hands as he goes... (Apparently, when I drink a lot of coffee quickly, my periods get out of control.....) Ideas..so many ideas... So yes. excitement still reigns. songs: Devin O'Shey's Themes: [indent] Don't Drink the Water - Dave Matthews Band. King of my World - Saliva [/indent] BTW: LOVE the new icon! you are primo talented!!