[center][h3][color=silver]Vivian "Silver Curse" Adler[/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Vivian paused, wrinkling her nose at the latest newcomers. It wasn't so much that Vivian hated her or even disliked her -- it was that the girl's name was [i]Garbage.[/i] It was practically inviting Vivian's distaste and contempt. But beyond that, Garbage reminded her of the tailors her parents would drag her to, forcing her to wear dresses and gowns to formal events. She never cared for the finer things in life. However, Archer interrupted her train of thoughts, asking if she was good at paintball. She smirked slightly, closing her eyes briefly. [color=silver]"I'm certain it can't be much more difficult than being shot at by thirty members of New York's finest and escaping without a single scratch, loot in hand,"[/color] Vivian chuckled. [color=silver]"I'm more worried about you--don't freak out and piss strawberry guts from your hand or whatever, alright?"[/color] Heading outside, Vivian tossed the other flag to Light, and then looked around for a good place to hide their own flag. Archer and X, she figured, would be better at offense. Defense was where she shined.